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To anyone who has gotten bloodwork on Test?


New member
Kilo Klub Member
Oct 28, 2009
I know we all absorb test differently but im curious as to what everyone's blood work is. I know many factors involve this esp if the test is dosed properly but the main reason why I ask is b/c i'd like to run the highest dose of test possible for HRT(well,...hrt'ish) while still maintaining good health. Most say 250mg/wk is a good healthy dose but at 250mg/wk my results are only around 900 and the range is 200-850ng/dl. I have seen people test around 2000 off only 250mg/wk. I use HG test(from usa) as well so I know its real. At 500mg/wk my levels are around 1620 and my free test is >51(thats where it tops off) to me 1620 seems kinda low for 500mg/test. Maybe I just dont absorb it that well. I have been on for almost 10years which I am sure contributes as well. But anyway, I am just curious to know everyone's readings and what dose they were on? Thanks
Just got a reading of 1098 on 500mg/wk. I'm thinking underdosed gear on my end.
My experience

Did you get a baseline? I'm on doc monitored trt and my baseline is 357 on a 292-1052 scale. 170 mg of cyp weekly puts me in the low 800s 3 days after injection.

I did a blast for a few weeks this spring taking 1 mL of UGL sus 400 weekly, took bloods 3 days after injection and it put me a little over 2000 ng/dL.

Obviously we don't know the exact dosage of the UGL test but that's been my experience. Hope that helps.
20 mgs test p daily with slin pin and my bloods showed 1098 total
It really depends to be honest this is a very tricky subject and not everyone reacts the same.

I would say 900 would not be bad a more normal number would be 1300-1500 based off 250mg/ml.

Tons of variables go into it.

But then again tons of UGL's bring out garbage underdosed shit.
I was on 625mg weekly test e, injected Mondays and Thursdays ,injected half 300mgs plus on Thursday, next day Friday took the test, total test was 5465.9, the guy who said 1000 something reading on 500mg of test, def underdosed crap, time to switch sponsers, im so glad I dont mess with ugl anymore
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phrm gets me to 1700 on 200 a week.
gauls gave me that number, biotech from a source here that went private in march did too. basically i get 8 "points' per milligram. when i did 750 a week i had over 6300. the last test i did tho only returned 5.2 per milliigram and that was another batch from biotech so either its underdosed or im not responding as well. but that never happened before so i dont know.
100mg per week IM mine top out at 1100 days after shot and is around 450 after 6 days. sub-Q 50mg 2x per week i am at around 600 after 3 days.
86 hours after 50 mgs of cyp mine is in the low 500's. I pin 50 mgs twice a week. E2 is usually in the high 20's.

60 twice a week put me in the low 700's. If I remember right. Also my e2 went to 49. I think high e2 range was 46.
I find my levels vary depending on how much I pin before testing. The more times a week I pin the worse my numbers.

Anyone else notice the same?
Just got a reading of 1098 on 500mg/wk. I'm thinking underdosed gear on my end.
Yes that does seem low.
Mine came back at above 6000
I believe it was 6240 if I'm correct and that was on 600mg per wk of test e.
Dosing Monday and thursday. Had the test done on a Wednesday after doing that protocol for 4 weeks.


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Yes that does seem low.
Mine came back at above 6000
I believe it was 6240 if I'm correct and that was on 600mg per wk of test e.
Dosing Monday and thursday. Had the test done on a Wednesday after doing that protocol for 4 weeks.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N915A using Tapatalk

That's a hell of a test score!! At only 600mg wow. Your body is gifted in a lot of ways to achieve that kind of score off only 600mg. I've seen 1500mg per week that can't break 5000 total test.
**broken link removed**

That was test scores.
600 MG per week.
I shit you not.
Estradiol was crazy high.
Just got some aromasin
Gonna use that a bit and go back and test again in maybe a few weeks.
At the time of the test was on no other compounds or orals just test e.


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Home brewed

I home brew all my own stuff and I made a batch of 300mg test enan and at 2ml a week my blood came back at 1655 so I don't know. I thought it would be higher too. Again, I made my own and thought my numbers would be higher. Heck I don't know anymore. Could it be quality on the raw end?

wow bx...that's where I thought I'd be. Or close to it.
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I didn't know where it would be.
The other times in the past I had never spent the extra $$ to get the exact numbers. I usually always went with the one that only goes up to 1500.
So I was amazed as well, but it was Def worth the few extra bucks to get to total numbers and also got a few other things included in that test like the estradiol and a bunch of other shit as well. So from now on anytime I do get a test done I will opt for that one.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N915A using Tapatalk
**broken link removed**

That was test scores.
600 MG per week.
I shit you not.
Estradiol was crazy high.
Just got some aromasin
Gonna use that a bit and go back and test again in maybe a few weeks.
At the time of the test was on no other compounds or orals just test e.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N915A using Tapatalk

yep on 625mg week test e, my levels where 5465.9 the next day after injection of half that, with no anti e my estro levels where just a tad high, so everyone is different
600mg test E/week

6085.8 ng/dl

Oestradiol was 326 pmol/L.
What did u use to lower estradiol?
And at what dosing
I got some aromasin gonna see how that works.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N915A using Tapatalk

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