weight77 said:
How is the west side style going. Have you thought about switching it out for somthing else. You might want to think about incorporating some kind of other shoulder movements. Because IMO your down fall is only donin side raises. You really lack in the front delt and that is probably why.
Could you post your routine and maybe me and some guys can give you some advice to help you get a solid routine. One where you get more shoulder help and maybe we could try and workout a better bench routine to help you bring up your chest. But I will say you back is your strong point. It is very wide.
westside is going amazing, I have put on 5kg(11ibs) on my bench and 30+kg(66ibs)on my deadlift while cutting hardcore. But yeah it might be time for a change.
My westside looks like this
Me bench day:
floor press, rack lockouts, inclines, declines, close grip bench. I pick one of those and do 3 reps each set increasing weight until I can do 3 reps anymore then I lower to 1 rep and go until I fail at a 1rm.
Skullcrusher, lockouts, overhead db exstension, dips. I pic one of those and fo 4 heavy sets of 5-6 reps
Any heavy row 4 sets 6 reps
Any side front or rear raise or all three in super set 4*10-12
abs 4*10 and biceps
Me squat day
good morning, or any variation of deadlift or squat I pick one and work upp to a 1rm same as on ME bench day
Hyper exstension, gm's, any kind of pull i pick one and do 4*6
Leg curl or gluteham raise 4*8
Any quad exercise 4*10
calves 4*6-10
DE´bench day
10*3 speed sets of bench at 50%of 1rm
any triceps exercise 4*10(sometimes I do db bench or a shoulder press)
any triceps exericse 3*10
any lat exercise 4*10
any shoulder 4*10
abs and biceps
DE squat day
10*2 speed sets of squat at around 50% 1rm
3*2 speed sets of deadlift at around 80%1rm
any gm or pull 4*10
any lower back exercise 4*10
any ham exercise 4*10
any quad 3*10
abs and calves 4*10
Thats roughly how my routine looks but it changes a bit every now and then. Much by how I feel on the particular day.
I realy like to hit all muscle groups twice a week cause I get zero growth from hitting them once a week. Especialy my lats and triceps needs to get hit often or I stagnate.
I am satisfied with the increases in strenght I have made now. I have dropped 36 pounds in bodyweight and at the same time increased all my lifts. Especialy the deadlift as I noted earlier. I think Il continue with something similar to westside until I am done cutting then when bulking Im going to focus on brining upp my lagging bodyparts and thicken upp my good parts alot! So I appriciate any suggestions!