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20 Days out


New member
Featured Member
Jul 30, 2005
Shelby told me I should put a few of these pics up so here they go, they were taken at the 20 day out mark. Weights at 165-166, still getting harder and drier
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for someone doing the USAs

posing should NOT "need work"

however you ARE looking drier

I think I could display my physique better with some posing tweaks. I just need more practice not in front of a mirror.

Not trying to be a dick bro but do you have a problem with me doing a show such as the USA's? You seem to be pretty negative towards the idea of me doing a show of that caliber. I am aware that this is a HUGE show and I could go there and not even make top 15, but I set my mind to do this show months ago and that what I'm going to do! Regardless of where I place this will be a learning experience for me and a chance to get my face seen. If you don't have anything positive to say maybe you should not say anything at all
You are NEVER guarenteed tomorrow. Do the show and have fun doing it.

You looks incredible.
I think I could display my physique better with some posing tweaks. I just need more practice not in front of a mirror.

Not trying to be a dick bro but do you have a problem with me doing a show such as the USA's? You seem to be pretty negative towards the idea of me doing a show of that caliber. I am aware that this is a HUGE show and I could go there and not even make top 15, but I set my mind to do this show months ago and that what I'm going to do! Regardless of where I place this will be a learning experience for me and a chance to get my face seen. If you don't have anything positive to say maybe you should not say anything at all

no not at all

dont really care
and being negative would entale me saying
you will be WAY out of your league and
your totally wasting your damn time
because your state level or regional level AT BEST

and the "get your face seen" card is so played out

but i did mention that you looked dryer than before
but you chose to NOT see that i guess
i thought that was pretty positive
on that note......i dont need a daddy
to tell me what i should and shouldnt do
thanks for your compassion though

good luck

^^^^in case you missed it
this was me being positive
go for it bro...don't let nobody discourage you from what you wanna what if you get hard and bring somethin better for next year....I think you look pretty good man....wish people would stop the bashin and encourage....You have to start somewhere.....Negativity is everywhere bro
Give me a call tomorrow J
we can go over some of your poses
looking dam good...hell i think at 20 days out you look better than you did the day of your last show. your busting your ass and it shows. good luck..this is what bodybuilding is about. we have no limitations only the desire to do better than the last
no not at all

dont really care
and being negative would entale me saying
you will be WAY out of your league and
your totally wasting your damn time
because your state level or regional level AT BEST

and the "get your face seen" card is so played out

but i did mention that you looked dryer than before
but you chose to NOT see that i guess
i thought that was pretty positive
on that note......i dont need a daddy
to tell me what i should and shouldnt do
thanks for your compassion though

good luck

^^^^in case you missed it
this was me being positive
LOL tenny you kill me bro, there was nothing wrong with your original post and i agree with what you said (in your first post).

babybeast! relax bro, you look great and thats all that matters, if your happy with how you look then that is whats TRULY IMPORTANT! i suggest not posting your picks if you cannot take the bitter with the sweet :naughty:
I think you are looking good, keep grinding and follow shelby's every instruction and you will do fine bro..... RELAX!
LOL tenny you kill me bro, there was nothing wrong with your original post and i agree with what you said (in your first post).

babybeast! relax bro, you look great and thats all that matters, if your happy with how you look then that is whats TRULY IMPORTANT! i suggest not posting your picks if you cannot take the bitter with the sweet :naughty:
I think you are looking good, keep grinding and follow shelby's every instruction and you will do fine bro..... RELAX!

I understand what your saying, don't worry I am relaxed, like I sais in my psot I asn't trying to be a dick I just feel like ever since I stated I was doing the USA's Tenny always has something to say about it to the effect of . . . stay home your wat out of your league. You don't have to come right out and say if for people to know what you mean. It doesn't bother me, that his opinion and it won't be needed when I'm on stage. I'm not going to the USA's thinking I'm going to get a pro card, I'm going for the experience, the knowleadge that I can learn, and the chance for national level judges to see me cause hell they might see something in me they really like! All I'm going to do it keep grinding away and bring in the best package I can and regaurdless of how I look this year, next year I'm going to blow it away!
looking solid.

live in the experience and wring every second you can out of it
bro ive been following your progress for a while now, judging from these pics, id say you and shelby have nailed what works for you.. looking harder, dryer and fuller then before

When I did the USA in 95 a famout lady " GURU" told me not to do it because it was Craigs year..........after I won she came up to me and said, " See, I told you not to listen to the naysayers" .....hahhhha
When I did the USA in 95 a famout lady " GURU" told me not to do it because it was Craigs year..........after I won she came up to me and said, " See, I told you not to listen to the naysayers" .....hahhhha

Thats how I'm trying to look at it Phil, thank you! As I said before I don't plan to go and win (although it'd be nice) but I'm going shooting for a top 5 placement. Maybe I'm dillusional but if you don't aim BIG you'll always get SMALL!
bro ive been following your progress for a while now, judging from these pics, id say you and shelby have nailed what works for you.. looking harder, dryer and fuller then before

Yea working with Shelby has been great. We completely changed my diet after my prep show from carb cycling to now Keto dieting. Its hard and some days I feel dead but its working so I just suck it up and listen to the GURU!
Yea working with Shelby has been great. We completely changed my diet after my prep show from carb cycling to now Keto dieting. Its hard and some days I feel dead but its working so I just suck it up and listen to the GURU!

im also currently working with shelby... put 100% trust in this guy, and you cant go wrong... your guna do great, sometimes you have to try different things, training, diet and upp wise to get the most out of your of your physqiue.. this is the best youve looked..
Do what you do Beast!!!!!!

People will always give their Opinion I just take the Good ones and apply them the other's i take to the Men's room and flush twice day.
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