You don't have any glaring flaws in the body, but LEARN HOW TO POSE!
Seriously, you are doing yourself a great injustice.
Side chest inhale, because the way you are doing it in that pic you are making your chest look small.
Front lat spread - don't hunch your shoulders together. You truly are making yoruself look much smaller than you are.
Back - try to make it even - hips are misaligned, unflexed leg is truly unflexed (flex it!), spread the back more.
Your lower back and hams need to be dryer. Arms could be bigger, especially obvious in the front lat spread but not in the front bis, so looks like a thickness issue.
I think if you look from the back the way you look from the front (lean, dry, separated), and posing PROPERLY, you will find your placings greatly increase!