Good to hear .....maybe before next season hit me up . I have a back ground in marketing and think I could help you get some promo packages put together , maybe a couple of guest appearences at judges shows , and help you shake hands with some players in the sport.......I 'd like to help you get seen and get the placings that you deserve let me know .....after this show , try to do a ton of photo shoots in all sorts of states so you can try to put together some promo later on . [including a head shot , with tear /cover page] You need to not bloat up and get some great pics to send out promo packages to all the mags , major supp company's , and even promoters.
Don't wait for someone to find you ........You know I am very close to gigori attoyan .......he is an awesome guy and friend. But he isn't from the us ,so it is hard for him to grasp the politics and marketing of ones self to be able to get the rec he deserves.......I am glad you realize that your reserved quiet nature is hurting you being placed where you deserve a bit . Is that wrong ? Yes ......but it is reality ......all my best ....have a great showing your health and success