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Aaron Baker - 1995

Triceps are Gigantic
Shoulders and arms look ridiculous in the back bicep pose at 1:40.
I chatted with Aarron quite a few times in the early to mid 90s ......he was a Gold's reg......he had the sickest gym physique ever in person......I kinda imagine Phil health looking like that today .......I will say this from 15 ft away was insane .....but he was small framed so being right next to him ,he'd seem a bit narrow [like heath] and not quite so amazing.......but I would have killed to be the italian version of the guy .......no site injects.....synthol .......off season cycle was 250 mgs of sus a week .......pre contest was a few ccs of winnie v and some primo ..........and a couple of ius of gh plus clen...........he didn't have much money ........and how do I know what he used .....because I had hooked him up once before.......lol.........and off season cycle for the guy was 12 sos 250 from mex .......ha ha ....I said is that for a month or a week ? He said no way ......that was all he needed for the off season.........look at him now at 50 .......looks awesome ......is prob clean or near it ..........he was nice.....modest except he dressed like a damm super hero in the gym .[ but could you blame him ....he was......he could 405 incline for 10 - 12 any day anytime....] He should have beat Flex once or twice ......and if he stepped it up and educated himself more .....could have been in the top 5 in the O even with guys like they had back then ...........Dante talks about genetics .......and you guys think he is always bsing with some agenda......I sold to the guy ......and used to chat with him quite abit .........vince taylor was like Aarron as well and look how great he looks today as well in he mid 50s .....he stepped it up more than Aarron , but turned pro on hardly anything......ala ronnie .......... Aarron and Robby had amazing gym bodies in person ......the light would catch their muscles and you would just stare in awe ......Robby didn't use much either.......trevor smith trained him for a minute and trevor went to robbie with an outline of a 6 week cycle and robbie said this is way more than I use in a yr .......[ robby is a snake .....but I knew one his poor exs really well and helped her with her preps before him ....but damm at 11 am in the gym sun he was freaking incredible just like Aarron....and I saw why he was a legend] Aarron had maybe the roundest muscles ever next sergio imo .......flex was awesome ......but alot of site injecting went into flex and used a ton of shit as well......he was not as gifted as Aarron ,just a better structure.......
Aaron is the nicest guy you'll ever meet.
Extremely underrated, if his condition would have matched the top guys in the 90's he would have been right up there with Flex, Shawn, Kevin, and Dorian.
He should have won the Ironman (1998?) when he took 2nd to Flex, but the WBF thing screwed him over afterwards.

He works out at my old gym, I used to see him there before I moved, every time he saw me he would greet me by my name, very genuine guy.

Still looks amazing, still thick as hell, and I seriously doubt he's used anything for years.

He still trains low volume and heavy, very close to DC style.
Right, wasn't he trained by Mentzer? I met him in Gold's, Venice in the summer of 95 or 96. Nice guy and had a phenomenal physique. Wonder what he's doing now.
I chatted with Aarron quite a few times in the early to mid 90s ......he was a Gold's reg......he had the sickest gym physique ever in person......I kinda imagine Phil health looking like that today .......I will say this from 15 ft away was insane .....but he was small framed so being right next to him ,he'd seem a bit narrow [like heath] and not quite so amazing.......but I would have killed to be the italian version of the guy .......no site injects.....synthol .......off season cycle was 250 mgs of sus a week .......pre contest was a few ccs of winnie v and some primo ..........and a couple of ius of gh plus clen...........he didn't have much money ........and how do I know what he used .....because I had hooked him up once before.......lol.........and off season cycle for the guy was 12 sos 250 from mex .......ha ha ....I said is that for a month or a week ? He said no way ......that was all he needed for the off season.........look at him now at 50 .......looks awesome ......is prob clean or near it ..........he was nice.....modest except he dressed like a damm super hero in the gym .[ but could you blame him ....he was......he could 405 incline for 10 - 12 any day anytime....] He should have beat Flex once or twice ......and if he stepped it up and educated himself more .....could have been in the top 5 in the O even with guys like they had back then ...........Dante talks about genetics .......and you guys think he is always bsing with some agenda......I sold to the guy ......and used to chat with him quite abit .........vince taylor was like Aarron as well and look how great he looks today as well in he mid 50s .....he stepped it up more than Aarron , but turned pro on hardly anything......ala ronnie .......... Aarron and Robby had amazing gym bodies in person ......the light would catch their muscles and you would just stare in awe ......Robby didn't use much either.......trevor smith trained him for a minute and trevor went to robbie with an outline of a 6 week cycle and robbie said this is way more than I use in a yr .......[ robby is a snake .....but I knew one his poor exs really well and helped her with her preps before him ....but damm at 11 am in the gym sun he was freaking incredible just like Aarron....and I saw why he was a legend] Aarron had maybe the roundest muscles ever next sergio imo .......flex was awesome ......but alot of site injecting went into flex and used a ton of shit as well......he was not as gifted as Aarron ,just a better structure.......

Thanks for sharing your memories I love hearing these from the day!

Aaron Baker was one of the best back then IMO, just an awesome physique.

Funny this is the first time Ive read someone mention GYM Physique....do you mean that they appear a lot different when training/pumped than they do outside the gym? If so I can attest to that....some cats can walk around with arms looking pumped all day as if they just did a few sets....others look like nothing special outside of the gym but in the gym pumped in a tank top and you wonder if its the same dude or not.
Aaron is the nicest guy you'll ever meet.
Extremely underrated, if his condition would have matched the top guys in the 90's he would have been right up there with Flex, Shawn, Kevin, and Dorian.
He should have won the Ironman (1998?) when he took 2nd to Flex, but the WBF thing screwed him over afterwards.

He works out at my old gym, I used to see him there before I moved, every time he saw me he would greet me by my name, very genuine guy.

Still looks amazing, still thick as hell, and I seriously doubt he's used anything for years.

He still trains low volume and heavy, very close to DC style.

I was just about to ask what ever happened to him. We used to talk back in his prime but lost contact over the years. He was a very nice guy with some amazing genetics and physique.
What ever happened to him? I remember him from the 90's. Anyone got any current pics of him?
he was pretty awesome and entertaining to watch pose. There are a few guys lately that seem to have faded or fading what happened to Chris Cook, Ernie Taylor just dropped out of sight after all the tricep harrassment. Kinda like Shawn Rays calf drama believe it was his calfs. Leep Priest said he is comming back dang theres alot of fading Pros lately. MM
if memory serves im sure he was down to about 200lb doing massive volume then he started with mentzer who knocked his training down to barely nothing and he blew up 30lb in no time at all. it was about the time of the 2nd wbf show. does anyone remember there weekly TV show. it would always feature something from fred hatfield and one of there pro's training, then there would be some dumb comedy wrestling style shit from lex luger. god that was crap
After he got blackballed by the IBF for jumping ship to The WBF his contest days where over. I remember he was trying to make inroads into Pro Wrestling but I lost track of him around that time and I never saw him in the WWE or any of the other big companies. Curious to know presently what he is doing.

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