well, i have cycled 3 times..
3 cycles.. nothing over 500mg of test for a 12 weeker mixed w 400mg EQ...
my thing is the bodyhair growth.. that is my kicker.. i dont want it to come back, but my lord.. after dieting down twice this summer, i feel like a stick.. and a good ole winter bulker would be nice.. lol.. so, i have tried test, EQ, winnie, and Dbol, and all.. was good.. went from 145lb hardgainer to 160 and plateaued naturally, then after two years of natty training, at 24yo decided to do a cycle.. got to 220lbs.. lots of water, and a bit of fat.. nothing over 14%bf.. now i am post diet, 180lbs, 7-8%bf.. and feel like a toothpick...
so, im leaning towards some var or primo...
any suggestions of dosage, or stackability???
thanks for everyones input...