I'm not sure how you keep everything sterile if homebrewing at home. Some of the UG labs may be just as bad though I imagine. I read a story about a lab that tested some gear and found contaminants like Lead, trimethylsilyl arsenous acid (arsenic), tin, traces of benzyl chloride(which can cause pulmonary edema), and even something called diethylstilbestrol which was once used as a growth promoter in cattle and was banned by the FDA b/c it causes cancer. What's the saying? Caveat Emptor?
Sure scared the hell out of me! Its good to have references on this stuff I guess, and it sounds like some of the suppliers like Alin are lab testing their products. I'm by far not an expert on this stuff as I'm still learning and collecting research. Maybe some of the more experienced users and mods can chime in. OTH and I have just had a good chat about this in another thread.
Its a very real concern.