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Advice wanted on first Test E cycle


New member
Sep 7, 2010
I've been doing a lot of research, and have been reading a lot of conflicting information. So far, the most informative article I've read has been this one: First Cycle and PCT [Forums]

I was just hoping to receive this board's opinion on the cycle recommended here.

The cycle they outline is:

Week 1-5 600mg Testosterone weekly
Week 6-8 800mg Testosterone weekly
Week 9-10 1 gram Testosterone weekly

10 mg Aromasin daily with the goal of keeping Estradiol between 10pg/ml-25pg/ml. Only blood work can confirm if you are in this range.

500iu HCG twice weekly.

Day 1-16 : 2500iu HCG every other day. (You may use less HCG if your testes are normal in size AND you have been using HCG on cycle, i.e. 1,000iu HCG eod.)

100/100/100/50 Clomid (50mg taken twice per day weeks 1-3)

20mg/20mg/20mg/10mg Aromasin (20mg daily for 3 weeks, 10mg daily in week 4)

3g Vit C every day split in 3 doses

10g creatine daily

Does this seem accurate? It seems like overkill compared to most cycles I've read.

Any help would be great, even completely different cycles. If it matters, I already have the test e and am looking mostly for advice about my PCT. I would love more articles to read, I'm just getting frustrated at all of the conflicting information I am reading.
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it is overkill. a good simple first cycle is test e 250mgs 2x a week for 10-12 weeks. no need to do more than that. 1 gram of test, just from talking to people that have used it, they experience extreme lethargy and side effects. u can use hcg, i havent needed to with just test cycles, my nuts stayed the same. u can if u want, but 500mg 2x a week seems a little too much. prob 250 2x a week would be enough. hcg just from my experience and what ive read, should not be used during the pct, just the normal cycle. the clomid is also a little high...maybe 100mgs for the first 5-7 days but not for 3 weeks. 50 mgs after doing 100mgs for a couple of days and you should be fine. do some more research on what actual people have done, this cycle seems over the top and unnecessary.

and keep in mind...this guy claims to have done over 20 cycles if you read the article... and he still seems like a nutcase to me for just regurgitating an article he found on testosterone therapy.
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Try this for a first cycle

Weeks 1-12 / Test E @ 400mg per week (2x 200mg)
Weeks 6-12 / HCG @ 500iu per week ( 2x 250iu)
Weeks 4-16 / Aromasin @ 12mg Every other day
Weeks 14-16 / Clomid @ 50mg Every day

Try this for a first cycle

Weeks 1-12 / Test E @ 400mg per week (2x 200mg)
Weeks 6-12 / HCG @ 500iu per week ( 2x 250iu)
Weeks 4-16 / Aromasin @ 12mg Every other day
Weeks 14-16 / Clomid @ 50mg Every day

x2...great looking first cycle.

Try this for a first cycle

Weeks 1-12 / Test E @ 400mg per week (2x 200mg)
Weeks 6-12 / HCG @ 500iu per week ( 2x 250iu)
Weeks 4-16 / Aromasin @ 12mg Every other day
Weeks 14-16 / Clomid @ 50mg Every day

Thanks...that looks exactly like what I'm looking for, and looks correct from the research I did.

Now to find a sponsor that sells everything except the test e...ugh...
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I would never tapper the dose up like that especially to 1g/week on your first cycle. If you have that much test on hand, stretching the dose out from 4-600mg/week for 12-16 weeks should result in much higher quality gains and better health through out the duration of the cycle.

Try this for a first cycle

Weeks 1-12 / Test E @ 400mg per week (2x 200mg)
Weeks 6-12 / HCG @ 500iu per week ( 2x 250iu)
Weeks 4-16 / Aromasin @ 12mg Every other day
Weeks 14-16 / Clomid @ 50mg Every day

I would agree with this although I would start the HCG in week 3 (no need to let the boys begin shrinking and have to play catch up in the later weeks) and also would start the Aromasin in Week 1 at 12.5mg. There will be no impact to your gains starting sooner (unless you care about being bloated and have more water weight). You may need to increase the Aromasin (Exemestane) to 25mg/day but only you will be able to make this call. Also, make sure you take the Aromasin with something high in fat to increase its absorption.
If it is a first cycle, why not start lower, say 300mg/wk and see what that does. I respond very good to lower dose. Start at the lowest, safest dose and work up. I would never go as high as 1 gram per week, but that is me. I am able to get pretty big on much less!! Until you try, how will you know how you respond. Maybe 400 - 500 is overkill and a waste, try it lower then go up if needed.

400-600mg is waaaay to much. 300mg is perfect no reason to over do it. Be smart it is a slooooww process. You probably do not need hcg.
If it is a first cycle, why not start lower, say 300mg/wk and see what that does. I respond very good to lower dose. Start at the lowest, safest dose and work up. I would never go as high as 1 gram per week, but that is me. I am able to get pretty big on much less!! Until you try, how will you know how you respond. Maybe 400 - 500 is overkill and a waste, try it lower then go up if needed.


Try this for a first cycle

Weeks 1-12 / Test E @ 400mg per week (2x 200mg)
Weeks 6-12 / HCG @ 500iu per week ( 2x 250iu)
Weeks 4-16 / Aromasin @ 12mg Every other day
Weeks 14-16 / Clomid @ 50mg Every day

This looks much safer to me

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