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C-bum competes in the open!!!

Chris's parents have stated that Steve Weinberger told them that their son is a once in a generation sort of athlete

Steve wasn't wrong
He is winning. Martin probably beats him from the back but from the front I much prefer Chris. I prefer him from the side as well. Martin is thicker and when they are stood alone you would never have Chris winning but put them next to each other and your eye is drawn to Chris. He might not have the thickness but he has the condition and the polish plus the structure. Martin also faded badly and looked off by the end of prejudging. Chris is also leading in regards to all the finer but important details which win shows such as posing, tan and overall demeanour. Chris is a champion and it shows on that stage even against the better "open bodybuilder".
He is winning. Martin probably beats him from the back but from the front I much prefer Chris. I prefer him from the side as well. Martin is thicker and when they are stood alone you would never have Chris winning but put them next to each other and your eye is drawn to Chris. He might not have the thickness but he has the condition and the polish plus the structure. Martin also faded badly and looked off by the end of prejudging. Chris is also leading in regards to all the finer but important details which win shows such as posing, tan and overall demeanour. Chris is a champion and it shows on that stage even against the better "open bodybuilder".
Back double is Cbum's all day

obv kidding, but still, damn, what a showing for cbum
Open bodybuilding has been about mass monsters for years. Unless they are changing their stances, Martin outmasses him. Who knows if CBum was encouraged by IFBB to compete in open. This would give them the opportunity to get away from mass monsters and go with aesthetical physiques. Personally it makes sense for ticket sales and money. I think you would get a larger audience with CBum.
aesthetics > mass monster. Cedric said, and did it at the AC, and Arnold backed him. Enough with absurdity, enough with the blown out gust, enough with SEO.
It's a pity that he doesn't have any real competition in this show.
The number 4 of the world isn't real competition?
Nope. Not IN SHAPE real top end guys.

Put him next to any of those guys and he would eat humble pie.
The number 4 of the world isn't real competition?
BTW, who the fuck is number 4 in the world in that line up? If the current 4th best bodybuilding physique is in that line up, then bodybuilding has totally gone down the shitter.

There is no quality when I just look at the physiques in there. It looks like a C-grade pro show.
Here's the top 4 from last year. Bumstead would disappear next to them.

prague 2023.jpg
Since I'm on my soapbox, for shits and giggles, the line-up from 9 years ago which just popped up in my image search of the show. THAT was a proper A-grade bodybuilding line-up. Bumstead would get laughed off the stage at that one. Oh, but hang on, we can't compare it because "it was a different era" :rolleyes:

Here's the top 4 from last year. Bumstead would disappear next to them.

View attachment 211293
I agree - Martin in live be to watery. I preety sure Stefan carbup him to agresive and water start go under the skin. Stefan don’t use insulin so 1500g or more carbs in single day are impossible to absorb with additional insulin
did you manage to grab pics , would love to see!
no - I'm not one of those guys who will take up someone's time for a photo when they are about to go on stage and besides, Cbum had 4 security guards with him who were pushing people away so they would even let him pass through backstage
Since I'm on my soapbox, for shits and giggles, the line-up from 9 years ago which just popped up in my image search of the show. THAT was a proper A-grade bodybuilding line-up. Bumstead would get laughed off the stage at that one. Oh, but hang on, we can't compare it because "it was a different era" :rolleyes:

View attachment 211294
I posted under Milo's comments that CBum next to bigger guys will not compare and these Milo's boy fans go off on me.
This show is not exactly riddled with top teir guys.. put cbum next to hadi, samson, Derek etc and it's lights out.. dont get me wrong he looks great.. but he's not competitive on the open Olympia stage..
As for the idea that the open is going for a esthetics over mass now I'd beg to differ.. the ifbb is all about money.. the reason the prize money is so much higher for the open is because that's is what puts ass in the seats.. and they want freaks.. the prize money shows this along with sponsor money.. they aren't changing the formula..they have tried in the past and it failed..
As for cbum he did alot for the classic division.. he did great with fans and marketing.. and knowing how the ifbb works cbum will win even if the judges thought Martin was better.. he will get the proper send off by the powers that be.. but now classic will falter a bit.. the next contenders coming up won't have the popularity or following.. and quite a few classic guys have stated they are moving to open as they have no desire to diet down to the weight caps anymore..
So yes cbum will win prague.. but I still wish he would have taken a off season and grew a bit before he hit a open show.. it would have been a interesting process to document for video and a much more interesting show to compete in maybe.. and don't hit me with " his health " crap.. cbum woukd only need to not limit calories and he'd grow just fine.. he wouldn't need much more in the anabolic department.. hes already 10 pounds heavier in prague .. a proper off season woukd garner him another decent 10 pounds.. that would have been much more interesting to watch that process play out ..
Since I'm on my soapbox, for shits and giggles, the line-up from 9 years ago which just popped up in my image search of the show. THAT was a proper A-grade bodybuilding line-up. Bumstead would get laughed off the stage at that one. Oh, but hang on, we can't compare it because "it was a different era" :rolleyes

View attachment 211294

That’s a hell of a line up right there. That line up is full of legit open size an aesthetics. I definitely think Chris would have a tough time looking impressive next to Dennis wolf or rhoden they had crazy size and aesthetics and were both tall and crazy wide with great x frames. Martin lacks the structure to over shadow Chris and is also watery in this show

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