Technically you can't copy any dvd from any store or order chain. They are copy right protected. And on top of that full of region key codes blah blah blah.
But to worry my friend, there two free programs on the net if you can still find them. Their called DVDSHRINK and DVDDECRYPTER,, you will need to decrypt it the shrink it and burn it. If you can't follow directions, then no problem (viola) go to and purchase their DVDFAB EXPRESS(platinum) it will decrypt, decode,shrink and burn all in one easy step!
P.S. just cause you bought the program doesn't make it legal to burn copy right protected dvd's. But hey at block buster prices, BURN AWAY BROTHER! hahahaha
P.S.S. best to use a good quality blank dvd, and make sure it's DVD-R. good luck!
also why not try rent, burn, return!