More bad science
This is a big stretch in interpreting the science, and basically...wrong.
First, platelet aggregation is necessay for blood clotting, and seldom a problem in healthy indviduals. Healthy indiviuals do NOT need to take aspirin to "expose tissue to greater amounts of nutrient-carrying blood." Why? Because platelets are NOT a barrier to nutrient transport. Nutrient transport into cells is carrier-mediated, and the carriers saturable, and platelets have nothing to do with any of this.
Aspirin has NOTHING do do with flushing out waste products, either. Acid is buffered in red blood cells, and this reaction is not influenced in any way by aspirin. Vasodilation occurs because of, among other things, the acidic environment of a muscle working anaerobically, and this is what gets rid of the acid.
Edema does inpede localized recovery, but is unavoidable if ANY training is being done. Aspirin will curtail production of most prostaglandins, autocrine and paracrine hormones that mediate inflammation and recovery (as well as kidney perfusion!), and so the "balance" struck here will be a wash.
If you've got a fever, use asprin.
If you've got risk factors for coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, etc, use aspirin prophylactically to preclude platelel aggregation.
If you're a bit sore, and want pain relief, use aspirin.
Aspirin is NOT anabolic. Staley, quite apparently, does not "know his stuff." His ideas here are wrong.