Do you call this cheating if your spouse sign up on
and wink on a couple of people.
We have are ups and down like any other marrieage.but
I saw her email and saw that she subscribe so I confronted
her and of she turn everything around that is my fault by
seeing her email.So I moved out and 8 days that I'm gone
she sign up and wink back on a couple ofpeople.
^^^^ Everything he just said too. Agreed.If she were talking to her friends on Myspace, or facebook, then I would say maybe not. BUT is for one thing and one f@cking thing only HOOKING UP! so yes! it's 100% cheating! And good for you on moving out! If she is pissed that you snooped thru her email, why did she then leave it there for you to find???
I been out of the house for 4 months now and she kept
telling me that she won't work out the till I move back in.
But I told her i don't see any changes on her part that she
is really sorry for what she's done.But her excuse is she did
sign up on because of me keep telling her that
I'm not happy and I don't want to be in a marrieage.I told
her if that's the case u should of just file for divorce then.
Now she just telling me that she just want to move on if I
don't want to move back in to work in our marrieage.Beause
she can't work on the marrieage if we don't leave together.
Because she always say how much she loves me to death.
She never do anything to jeoprodize the marrieage.So I
never thought in a million year she would do that to me.