I'm looking to cut up and will be taking Var and Winny to maintain lean mass. Should I start the clen and T3 at the beginning, or wait till the last 5 weeks of the cycle to burn fat?
I'm looking to cut up and will be taking Var and Winny to maintain lean mass. Should I start the clen and T3 at the beginning, or wait till the last 5 weeks of the cycle to burn fat?
I'm looking to cut up and will be taking Var and Winny to maintain lean mass. Should I start the clen and T3 at the beginning, or wait till the last 5 weeks of the cycle to burn fat?
I would do the clen first 7 weeks as it will also help to gain muscles and take the T3 the last 3 weeks to cut up. I do not recommend taking T3 for more then 3 weeks as it will affect your thyroid gland and you will gain the weight back like a yo-yo.