religion was invented back in at time when there was a class system, where the rich and noblemen needed a way to keep the pleebs and common men which outnumbered them by the millions under control...
for those who have faith, keeps you happy and moral, for those who dont believe, you can still be moral and happy
there you have it...
you have to keep in mind that the majority of the human race (sorry to say this and offend anyone) can't think on it's own and we would probably be worse than animals if we didn't have someone say "if you do this, you'll burn for eternity"
most people i know (i'm talking 99%) truly believe that without religion, the world would be in a chaotic state (like it's not in that state right now), and without that "order" to not commit crimes. MORAL people have that sense without the need for a "god" to tell them that... but sadly, notmany moral people around. anyway, the premise is great, but the practice turned out to be an experiment gone bad...
those that had the "power" to talk to god, had this in mind "I want an orderly world, according to my definition of order, and anyone who opposes should be eliminated"
ended up to be a power struggle for land, money, and power in every case of religion ever documented in history.
it's a double edged sword... without religion, you'd have a lot of retards running around thinking they could do what they want if there isn't a god to judge them (murder, steal, rape... etc.), yet with a religion, those same idiots listen to the guy that says "these people want to secretly kill all ofyou and rape your women, so go and wrap these bombs on your chest, blow them up, and you'll end up in heaven with all the women you want to plow, all the food you'd like to eat, and all the crap you ever dreamed of"
it's sad really