Here's number 3 in as many days - 176 lbs, and thinks 1000 mg is the way to go...amazing.
i know this is totally against the rules but im going to tell you what to take, how to take it and where to buy it.
protien - 500gram/day eating every 2 hours, try chicken, tuna, beef for this.
purchased at supermarket (more anabolic than steroids)
carbs - this is going to be something you need to adjust depending you your weight gain and energy levels after the protien kicks in, try starting out at 400gm/day
you can purchase these at the grocery store
fats -use healthy fats like olive oil, as with the carbs the ration is going to need to be manipulated.
can be purchaced at the grocery story.
a good starting ration is 40/40/20, protien fats and carbs.
heres the good stuff.
LBA's - drink between meals, youll only need a couple of tbsp at a time.
can be purchased at
creatine - take as directed, can be purchased just about anywhere
vitamins - by at ant store take as directed.
with the proper training that base should put a good 10 lbs on you in the coming year...GOOD LUCK WITH THE BRAND NEW CYCLE I JUST LAID OUT FOR YOU.
is every one her is ok what is this stopit cycle
i teik on regular : 3.5gram protein for every body kilo protein carb 1:1
fat 1/2 then the protein.
creatin 5g
amino acid 3g tab X 15 tab during werk at the gym.
muti vitamin and minelar.
apha lipoic acid 600 mg
tribulos and ginsang.
bcaa withe my protein pawder
gaba 4 gram bipor i go to sleep
vitamin c1000 mg
for 180lib you dont need more then 250-280 gram protein
HAHAHAHAHAHA, I am going to sit back and retire now. tkav what you say is good advice and true. 250-300gms of protein might be maintenance level for some. Unless you increase the protien so the body has more building blocks (aminos) to work with you will lean out but not grow. Take the protein leves much higher and you are now flooding the body with aminos it needs to build and grow. OK, now add AAS into this equation and you have an anabolic environment rich in proteins and muscle that remains in positive nitrogen balance. Just what it needs to grow. So many guys think they are eating enough to grow when in fact some of us eat much more than this on a contest diet. calories are important, but not as important as the composition of those calories. It is the specific ratios of macro nutrients that will determine what happens with your diet. For example, Joe smith eats 5000 cals a day and Joe dirt eats 5000 cals a day. They both weigh roughly the same and are roughly the same height. Both have equal lifting experience and strength wise they are matched. both are gaining weight but they are getting fat. So joe dirt say he is going to change his diet and drop some cals. so he drops to 4000 cals while Joe Smith stays at 5000. All of the sudden Joe dirt is making some crazy lean gains while the other is still getting fat. Joe dirt did his homework and figured out that if he ate more proteins and lowered his carb intake he made better gains. He is taking in fewer cals but gaining more muscle. All he did was adjust the ratios of Proteins carbs and fats and avoided taking in too many calories.if your not growing then yes you do. get your protien up around 500 grams a day for 6 months then tell me how much you weigh. drugs will not do anything for you if they dont have the raw materials to work with. 6 years ago i couldnt break 165 lbs with the use of steroids. the reason was diet. now without steroids ive gone from 185 in october, after being off since may, to 197 today. thats 12 lbs and my bodyfat is lower. ive done cycles of over 1000 mg a week and got up over 200. so dont tell me that you cant put on weight with diet alone, even after using AAS.
my current goal is to hit a verry lean 215 by august...i have an do whatever you want to do, and ill stick with my plan and ill race you for the next 17 lbs?
HAHAHAHAHAHA, I am going to sit back and retire now. tkav what you say is good advice and true. 250-300gms of protein might be maintenance level for some. Unless you increase the protien so the body has more building blocks (aminos) to work with you will lean out but not grow. Take the protein leves much higher and you are now flooding the body with aminos it needs to build and grow. OK, now add AAS into this equation and you have an anabolic environment rich in proteins and muscle that remains in positive nitrogen balance. Just what it needs to grow. So many guys think they are eating enough to grow when in fact some of us eat much more than this on a contest diet. calories are important, but not as important as the composition of those calories. It is the specific ratios of macro nutrients that will determine what happens with your diet. For example, Joe smith eats 5000 cals a day and Joe dirt eats 5000 cals a day. They both weigh roughly the same and are roughly the same height. Both have equal lifting experience and strength wise they are matched. both are gaining weight but they are getting fat. So joe dirt say he is going to change his diet and drop some cals. so he drops to 4000 cals while Joe Smith stays at 5000. All of the sudden Joe dirt is making some crazy lean gains while the other is still getting fat. Joe dirt did his homework and figured out that if he ate more proteins and lowered his carb intake he made better gains. He is taking in fewer cals but gaining more muscle. All he did was adjust the ratios of Proteins carbs and fats and avoided taking in too many calories.