Guess I found the answer:
Originally Posted by By Dr.P
Nice DNP logs, no question, and - nice results. [talking about my first log]
However: I just wanted to caution you against the further use of DNP. You must know that DNP causes very strong oxidative burst in the mitochondria. It is comparable with spraying oil into burning fire. All the free oxygen radicals will unevitably cause cumulative damage to your mitochondria and mitochondrial DNA. Mutations in the latter are supposed to be critical for accelerated aging processes. And DNP acts in ALL cells of your body: muscles, brain, connective tissue, skin, etc. So you can be assured that every single DNP-dose will accelerate damage and aging processes throughout your whole body. And even all the antioxidants you are taking will not prevent this. CoQ10 are hardly entering the mitochondria at all. And all the other things like vit. c or vit. e, grape seed etc. have only marginal effects. They can't even completely blunt the deleterious effects from "normal" oxidative damage, let alone a "super-oxidative-burst" that is coming like a vulcano-eruption.
For your own health it would be very advisable to optimize diet and training routines; this alone can and will give you the desired results, assumed you bring up the necessary patience and discipline.
It's your own decision, how you are going to proceed, I justed wanted to shed some light on the "dark side" of DNP that is much much more than just hyperthermia, water intake and the like.
Best regards and good luck with your fat-loss.
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