this mught be asking alittle much but what would you suggest for someone with irratable bowel syndrome and acid reflux. I have Both.
I think you are deficient in friendly flora,and enzymes, when friendly bacteria are not present in sufficient quantity in the intestinal tract, unfriendly bacteria, and other types of pathogens, fungi and parasites can invade our body.
I would try to eat more row fruits and vegis, include food enzyme supplements with each meal, and I would take food supplements such as lactobacillus acidophilus, lact....s bulgaricus, and lact...s salivarius, wich are called probiotic formulas, which promote healthy intestinal flora. Friendly bacteria improve bowel function by aiding peristalis.
They also help prevent digestive disorders, such as costipation, gas, bloating.
I also encourage you to inclue sprouted superfoods in you diet. Superfoods are available in supplement form and contain high-quality vitamins, minerals and enzymes.
Trace minerals are needed to activate enzymes, take mineral supplements containing a full spectrum of minerals to make up for the shortage in the food you eat. Take plant based enzyme with your cooked meals, this will relive stress on the pancreas and allow metabolic enzymes to do their function.
In your case I recomend to take enzyme supplements between meals also.
Also you need to drink water after meals( room temperature) to activate enzymes.
If you like to eat sugar, than try to eat raw sugar, row sugar contains enzymes, chromium, and B vitamin and is easily digested and assimilated. White processed sugar contains no enzyme, no B vitamins and no chromium.
You may use row sugar in your post trainig drink, actully I think raw sugar would be a better choise for every body with digestin problems for post trainig drink.