i started 30 mcg PWO monday and i havent been getting any sides no hunger, checked my blood sugar before the shot and 20 minutes after, it was pretty much the same, could my igf be fake?
i started 30 mcg PWO monday and i havent been getting any sides no hunger, checked my blood sugar before the shot and 20 minutes after, it was pretty much the same, could my igf be fake?
There are other ways to test your IGF-1. Do you have a ring on any of your fingers? If so, give yourself one or two large doses. One or two large doses won't hurt you, unless you continue on with regular large dosing, then you'll create other unwanted issues.
Anyhow, an hour or two after your dose, did your fingers swell a tad? If you have a ring on your finger, use it to gauge with. On days I'm pushing it, my ring ceases to even spin. Anyhow, try 100mcg. If nothing try 150mcg. If still no change, that's too bad.
first of, did you mix it with acetic acid? if not kiss it good by,there is plenty of studies where mg amounts were used; so i think 30mcgs will do nothing to your glucose levels.
What the hell are you talking about?? No way in hell is IGF-1 going to last up to two years reconstituted in AA. It barely makes it that long frozen, unconstituted.
My outline is for IGF-1 reconstituted in AA. I suggest you go back and read what DatBtrue said or please point us to what you've read. I'd love to see it.