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Female TRT

I own an HRT clinic we specialize in womens health

WHy go back on the same dose that caused issues

what was/is her free test, you want this no higher than 4.2 anything over will result in sides for many as its outside the normal levels (there are always outliers but its a good guide). Free is the number you ACTUALLY feel, total tells us nothing. Do they even run free? many clinics dont so they fly blind

We start women at 1/2 this dosing. 3mg 2x per week mon and thurs. taken sub q

you can def take spiro with it but you will negate some of it. My wife does this and her free is never over 2.2 but she is ok with that as it was tanked prior.

simply put if you get sides at a dosing, try do a lesser dosing. She could also try saw palmetto which also inhibits the 5alpha reductase pathway. Its milder but is an option.

Ive never head about the monoxidil at all i cant see this being correct.

Finally id look into ghk cu we use this with our women its a copper peptide which helps regrow hair works damn well for men and women. Id incorporate it, it also helps collagen synthesis and can help against sun damage, great peptide

I’ve been researching GHK Cu and it sounds like a great peptide. What dosing regime is your wife using? Looks like the peptide comes in vials of 50mg.
My wife takes 5mg test cyp per week split between two doses plus estrogen and progesterone. I dilute my 250mg/ml 1/10 with sterile mct so it is possible to dose accurately.
I would agree to this, my wife takes 5mg also. I mean if she's having sides at 10mg, just lower the dose. we tell each other to do that shit on here all the time. if she doesn't have them at 5mg but test look good and she feels good then there's your diminishing rate of return.
Npp/deca at a low, low dose could be used as an option for females.
Npp/deca at a low, low dose could be used as an option for females.

Yeah, it can work, but be cautious with nandrolones, they are the worst offender for voice changes. On paper they seem perfect (progestogenic and low androgenic) but in real life very androgenic for the voice box/larynx.

Its extremely effective at stopping menstruation/fertility even at low doses due to being both androgenic and progestogenic. The same reason trenbolone is extremely suppressive to the HPTA.

Nandrolone is also used to make a lot of different birth control hormones, the progestin class of birth controls.

They modify the molecule into a more progestogenic one and that's the BC pill many women take. (this modification mostly removes the anabolic and androgenic effects).

How is estrogen being utilized in these protocols?

Generally 1-4 mg injectable estradiol per week. Usually comes in valerate or cypionate esters. Most women feel best around 100-300 pg/mL estradiol.

A natural estradiol level in a healthy young female varies from 50-1,000 pg/mL depending on part of the month. Some women only peak as high as 200 pg/mL.

Ovulation is the peak and that's when libido and fertility are at their maximum. This is also when women usually look their best to us.

They tend to feel shittier in the luteal phase when progesterone is released and their "period" when estradiol is at its lowest level.
My wife was on trt for 3yrs at 12mg a week. I posted a couple times on pm how great the results were. She started shedding hair about a year ago and it was getting noticeable thinner so she dropped the trt and dermatologist put her on spiralacktone and minoxidil .
That solved the shedding issue and her hair grew back. Her sex drive took a dive. She just got back on trt same dose different dr. Dr told her she couldn’t take the 2 meds with trt because spiralacktone blocks the androgens and monoxidil will cause hair growth everywhere. She’s 47 not in menopause

Any ideas on what she can use to strop the shedding? She tried nutrafol and it made it worse.

What about a topical alpha 5 reductase inhibitor. It won't be systemic and only block test->DHT conversion in the scalp.

"Finasteride and dutasteride are 5-alpha reductase selective inhibitors (5ARIs). They were introduced as therapeutic agents for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia in 1992 and 2002, respectively; finasteride has also been approved for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia since early 2000."

my woman is 52 had full hysterictomy, was presrcibed a bunch of shit, knocked it all out except 10 mg/twice a week with 1/2ml of B12 and she is good to go. take Nutraful for her hair and it helps, tho she has extentions
What about a topical alpha 5 reductase inhibitor. It won't be systemic and only block test->DHT conversion in the scalp.

"Finasteride and dutasteride are 5-alpha reductase selective inhibitors (5ARIs). They were introduced as therapeutic agents for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia in 1992 and 2002, respectively; finasteride has also been approved for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia since early 2000."

Some people actually have worse sides from topical finasteride than oral and others the opposite, but it can be very effective.

A good concentration is 0.025%, using 1 mL for the entire scalp, three times per week. it is VERY potent. This is equal to putting 0.25 mg or a quarter pill of finasteride into your scalp dorectly.
This. Most of my 40+ women patients do much better with low low dose of deca with some transdermal estradiol than test . Always with oral minoxidil and some with low dose accutane.
Curious, what do you do? What kind of patients are you working with?
Curious, what do you do? What kind of patients are you working with?
I'm a MD board certified in internal medicine. Most of my patients are over 40 that need focus in cardiovascular and cancer prevention, besides hormone replacement therapy.

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