Okay so i am big as i want to be. I have started doing MMA training. Obviously alot of the endurance training will come in the ring, and sparring. I train for conditioning and tequnique for about an hour 4-6 days a week. The main focus is on Muay Tai kickboxing.
My question is about weight training. Alot of fighters don't use traditional types of weight lifting, but i would still like to. Here is a program From Bill Pearls getting stronger. Supposedly it was an olympic boxing training routine.
The rep ranges are 8-12 with 3 sets per bodypart.
Bent arm laterals
Close grip lat pull down
Standing flys (all the way to over head)
Seated cable rows
Bench press
I added in
Preacher curls
My question here is since i am already strong, and pretty bulky (290# 15% bf)should i up the rep ranges? Maybey to like 3x20 or something to that nature? Also this workout is designed to be done 3 times per week. Would it be benificial to make 3 different workouts and rotate those so different exercises are being done on each of the 3 day's. Basicly in the book it says for power stay in the 8 rep range. I'm worried that i will stay big and bulky. I don't mind losing some muscle weight, or even a little strength. Sorry this is so long winded. Any opinions are welcomed. Thanks in advance for your time and responses.
My question is about weight training. Alot of fighters don't use traditional types of weight lifting, but i would still like to. Here is a program From Bill Pearls getting stronger. Supposedly it was an olympic boxing training routine.
The rep ranges are 8-12 with 3 sets per bodypart.
Bent arm laterals
Close grip lat pull down
Standing flys (all the way to over head)
Seated cable rows
Bench press
I added in
Preacher curls
My question here is since i am already strong, and pretty bulky (290# 15% bf)should i up the rep ranges? Maybey to like 3x20 or something to that nature? Also this workout is designed to be done 3 times per week. Would it be benificial to make 3 different workouts and rotate those so different exercises are being done on each of the 3 day's. Basicly in the book it says for power stay in the 8 rep range. I'm worried that i will stay big and bulky. I don't mind losing some muscle weight, or even a little strength. Sorry this is so long winded. Any opinions are welcomed. Thanks in advance for your time and responses.