sorry its been so long for u, i have not been on this board in a long time. all the PL forums have been dead for the last few months so i wanted to stop in over here.
Many people pull and squat on the same day. the squat or box sq followed by some form of pull (racks, rev band, banded, SLDL) and some accessory hamstring work like leg curls, and rev hyper for low back.
its difficult to train both hard the same day for any length of time, so i use an alternate method of heavy sq/ lighter dl one week, the next is heavy dl/ lighter squat.
squat 80% 6sets x 2reps
SLDL 3x10
leg curls 2x15-20
rev hyper off the ghr 3x15
rack pulls 3x3-5
oly high bar or SSB squats 3x10
back ext on GHR
then heavy squat again
ill rotate the first exercises a little but thats about it. on squats i may do 80% 3x5, 60%5x5 no belt, take a 5 rep max. on pulls, 6 and 4 inch block pulls (like a rack but weights on blocks), rev band, standing on block, and reg pull