Training shoulders...
Make sure you don't train shoulders too close to training chest. Or you could choose to train them both on the same day. You probably want to stay away from going behind your head. People that do a lot of these, end up not being able to do them at some point in the future. I would do something like this:
*Standing military press OR Seated DB press OR seated military press- warm-ups, 5 reps with a weight you can do for 6-7 reps, 5 hard reps (to failure) with a little more weight, then go back to the weight you used for the first set, and go for 8.
*Upright rows SUPERSET with Side lateral raises with DBs- two sets of eight should work nicely.
*If you feel that you MUST, you may add another couple sets or some kind of assistance exercise (like lateral raises), but don't overdo it. Experiment.
Shoulders get hit with most other workouts as well, so this should be an efficient protocol to follow for good shoulder growth. Make sure you do some bent over rows on back day, to really hit the rear delts. Go heavy!