I also think it's important to see why you are having a bad day ... I feel like if it just happened once, ok, no biggie. But, since you asked it seems like maybe you want to change something in the training more often.
Which you do cruise right?
But, also why are you not progressing?
Over Consistency
Now, don't take offense to any of this but ... on the net everyone seems to respond to criticism with all the right answers ... but in the real world in the gym they rarely do.
For example, I listed diet ... and I feel you will probably say all that is on point and even tell me the grams. But, I have never once in the gym ... or very, very rarely get a real answer. If I asked you how many grams of protein and carbs you take in ... you may fire off the answer. In the gym when I ask people just say a lot.
Once you look at the real #'s many people fudge them.
Now if you have everything in check great, but if you don't be honest with yourself because you are only cheating yourself.
Now, if all is on point ... maybe something just needs a change. With the training though I wouldn’t adjust that too much. Maybe cruise if you’re not ... but something I have found that works is to cruise and come back a few weeks earlier in your log book and start there ... I ... and I say I usually go right through my previous stall.
Also, just want to mention I know a lot of people who do DC type training, or rest pause type training. Don't do the stretches and at some point minimizes the rotation with the movements, many end up doing one or two they enjoy.
But, each tweak off the path you have really left the program and if it stalls just get back on the path.
Ok ... so if you want really good feedback, be 100% honest. You don't even have to tell us I guess, just fix some obvious things wrong and re-evaluate.
I know one guy who thinks he does DC...
Who doesn’t eat like he should, sleep like he should, stretch like he should, rotate movements like he should.
I think for those struggling with DC they should put a GUILLOTINE in front of your neck on the hammer strength bench. If you don’t beat your log ... wham
Go home eat and sleep and come back.
I may be odd but when I think DC I think of someone who would leave teethe marks in a steel bar... Just tear it the F up.