I have been researching this for months upon months. But just to be 100% safe let me outline my plan.
Right now Im doing Equigen GH on the burst plan, in one week in doing my second burst. Im currently running var at 50mgs a week. Might add some test very soon.
I actully ordered some humalog instead of the humalin R, so it will be here in 3-5 days, so I will start when it arrives.
I plan on starting at 5ius, and work my way up to 10ius, only on training days.
But my plan is this, I believe this is correct
Workout 9am
Inject slin 10am
100grams of carbs, gluatmine, creatine 10:10am
60 grams of whey, 75 grams of carbs, 11:10am
60grams of whey, 1 cup oats around 12:30,
then eat whatever I want,
The 100grams of carbs at 10 will be a carbofroce type of drink
the carbs at 11:10 might be cell tech, or just soda,
I read that just taking the 100grams of carbs post workout with creatine/glutamine, is the best way, or should I add some protein.
Im also taking advice of some of the bros here and injecting IM, instead of sub Q.
I plan 4 weeks slin, then 4 weeks Glucophase, then back on slin.
Sounds good????