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Gyno Prone, which one to use ?


New member
Mar 8, 2009
I've got a small lump under my left nipple already, about dubble the size of a pea and was just wondering which one of the three i should choose to use for my next cycle as only used Nolva before ?


Cheers for any input :)
I've got a small lump under my left nipple already, about dubble the size of a pea and was just wondering which one of the three i should choose to use for my next cycle as only used Nolva before ?


Cheers for any input :)

one vote for aromasin. I've been doing research with it... lots of votes against arimidex that I've read about. Don't know too much about femara, but aromasin is a safe bet and I think would work for you. Maybe someone with research experience will pop up on here and let you know.
one vote for aromasin. I've been doing research with it... lots of votes against arimidex that I've read about. Don't know too much about femara, but aromasin is a safe bet and I think would work for you. Maybe someone with research experience will pop up on here and let you know.

At what dose bro ?
I've got a small lump under my left nipple already, about dubble the size of a pea and was just wondering which one of the three i should choose to use for my next cycle as only used Nolva before ?


Cheers for any input :)

I'm using 12.5 mg EOD right now just to try to control Estrogen but not pummel it. Arom is pretty strong stuff and from what I understand Its effects on the Aromatase enzyme are appearant for days after its half life.

Hopefully someone with a better handle on this will chime in.
Not sure if that would do me as get gyno just looking at a bottle of test lol would 25mg a day be over kill do you think ?
I'm using 12.5 mg EOD right now just to try to control Estrogen but not pummel it. Arom is pretty strong stuff and from what I understand Its effects on the Aromatase enzyme are appearant for days after its half life.

Hopefully someone with a better handle on this will chime in.

Good call, trying 12.5mg ed and might switch to 12.5 mg every other day. At least I don't feel like watching the notebook, anymore. Back to watching rocky 1-4 for me (5 sucked).
Letro at 2.5 mg per week, split it up at 1.25mg every 3.5 days.
i do 1mg of Letro a day remember if your gyno is from tren or deca dont use nolva. I am prone as hell to gyno and Letro is the only thing that has worked solid for me
arimidex @ 1mg E3D
aromasin @ 20mg ED

femara for gyno prevention is like cracking a walnut with a sledgehammer, not needed IMO ;)
depends on what you are using. For those with prexisting gynecomastia and flare-ups, generally reccomend exemestane or letrozole WITH at least low dose pramipexole or cabergoline (if using progestins or methylated steroids STRONGLY reccomend).

for exemstane, letrozole and pramipexole
reccomend www.researchstop.com

for cabergoline, reccomend cabaser tablets (cabergoline liquid is unstable, and generally bunk or completely degraded) from aurapharm.
Do you guys honestly start your AI's the day you start your cycle? Or do you give it a couple wks, or wait til you think you need it?
My twin is usually always "on." However, when he does go off, and then restarts his "on" period, he will usually start his Aromasin a few days prior to starting. No later than the start of the cycle....from what he tells me:p

He may be more or less sensitive than others though.

^ What dosage does he run a maintenance type thing like that at? And doing it the entire cycle, does it kill all water-retention (or possibly gains) ?
He's usually on low 250mg/wk dosings when "cruising," and during this period, he doesn't have to go above 12.5mg/d. He can go as high as 500mg + 20mg/d of dbol and still be fine with only using 12.5mg/d, but will increase to igher doses of 25mg/d if needed.....mainly with 1+ gram of gear or more.

However, if he were to go off, and AFTER running PCT, he may run the aromasin for an additional few more weeks if he needs to do so. When completely off all AAS, he usually does not use any AI.

However, as we age, he knows that older indiviuals may be more susceptible to higher aromatase levels so he may be different now, than what he will be in 20+ years.

depends on what you are using. For those with prexisting gynecomastia and flare-ups, generally reccomend exemestane or letrozole WITH at least low dose pramipexole or cabergoline (if using progestins or methylated steroids STRONGLY reccomend).

for exemstane, letrozole and pramipexole
reccomend www.researchstop.com

for cabergoline, reccomend cabaser tablets (cabergoline liquid is unstable, and generally bunk or completely degraded) from aurapharm.

Hadn't heard this about dostinex liquid, anyone else feel this way?
depends on what you are using. For those with prexisting gynecomastia and flare-ups, generally reccomend exemestane or letrozole WITH at least low dose pramipexole or cabergoline (if using progestins or methylated steroids STRONGLY reccomend).

for exemstane, letrozole and pramipexole
reccomend www.researchstop.com

for cabergoline, reccomend cabaser tablets (cabergoline liquid is unstable, and generally bunk or completely degraded) from aurapharm.

This has just confused the shit out of me lol i've never heard of pramipexole or cabergoline and do I really need this ?
Hadn't heard this about dostinex liquid, anyone else feel this way?

its fairly common knowledge, and the reason why several discontinued selling. (a rare move, since most still sell liquid t3- which is also subject to degradation, though not as severe)
This has just confused the shit out of me lol i've never heard of pramipexole or cabergoline and do I really need this ?

need is a relative term. Benefit from, almost certainly, yes. need, well that depends.... gyno prone? older? libido issues? using progestins or designer steroids? then more likely than not you "need" a dopaminergic.. how much will depend on individual circumstances.

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