i've done hcg and hmg before. Goal was to get the wife prego. Had done a long extended cycle(3 yrs) with short breaks here and there. Went to a low dose of test for a couple weeks while taking the hcg 500iux3 days week for 3 weeks. Then i did the hmg 75x3 times a week for about 2 months along with clomid, nolva, and aromasin.
Did not lose many gains during this time and got used to being off...eventually. After about 3 months of going clean i stopped all meds and went and got sperm tested. count was 20mil(borderline low) and motility was low and so was morphology. Started the clomid again at 100mg ed. After 1 month went back and everything was normal and count was 40million. Wife got pregnant 2 months later.
6months prego now and everything is going well, just finished a 10week cycle and am 5 weeks post-cycle and using just low dose clomid and feel pretty good.
If you're young i would avoid TRT, i've researched and found that men that take maintenance amounts of test actually have harder times recovering and reproducing than those that took 500mg+. I'm in my 20's and that's why i decided to totally clean out. I still want another kid so i will stick to cycles less than 10 weeks with a couple months between. Good luck, i would suggest getting a sperm test so you know where your baseline is and then start experimenting a little bit.