In all honesty you will see replies ranging all over the place for usage of hcg as well as nolva. Personally, I've done much more and didn't use either and had zero sides or problems. Perhaps I'm a bit too old school, but 10+ years ago, folks used hcg towards the end of their cycle and afterwards to speed up natural test production. I've done it and it works great. But do you "have" to do this or run nolva for no particular reason? No. Its preference and finding out what works best for you. Now some guys will come in here and swear up and down that hcg throughout is necessary. IMO it is not. But everyone is entitled to drug how they wish. IMO, the mg your taking doesn't justify the extra expense for the hcg. And unless your senstive to gyno, I wouldn't take the nolva unless you had to. Run the hcg (if you must) about 2 weeks from stopping your cycle and continue another 2 weeks out past your cycle end to speed up test production. Thats about it.