Well, as several of you know, I'm in my early 60's. Been training pretty much my whole life. Started in judo, and then karate around age 11-12. (This was back waaaay before you had martial arts schools in every little shopping center - I started at a judo club, and karate club, one at the YMCA, and one at neighborhood rec center.)
This was also way before weight work as we know it was nearly as prevelant. Luckily, my judo sensei, a retired Air Force guy who had gotten all the way to sandan (3rd degree) while stationed in Japan for several years, got me into weight training.
When I did my first cycle in the early-mid 80's, I was in my early 40's. I trained to compete in martial arts, (by then at the masters level) and to stay healthy and big. I have never competed in BB'ing. I agree that it gets harder as we get older. I really don't know where I would be, body and fitness wise, w/o supplements. Right now, my bi's are about 16, with a 34 inch waist. Not that big for guys on this board, but compared to the average guy on the street (of any age), a hell of a lot bigger. In the gym, there is no one approachingmy age anywhere near my stage of muscular development - probably because I'm the only guy my age who does regular (but "safe and sane") cycles.
I think that trying to really accomplish any real muscular development past 45 or so, without tremendous genetics, would be hard without juice. A lot of guys who are regulars in my gyn who are in their 40's, 50's ,and a few in their 60's like me, stay in shape, but none of them have any real level of muscular developement.
I think that a reasonable and sane AS program, (maybe at the "HRT" level, or a little more) along with training, is something that would benefit almost any guy in his 40's, 50's, 60's and maybe on up. I do get extensive blood work, etc, done about 3 times a year, with a doc who knows whats going on. Obviously anybody considering this stuff needs to do it right.
Anyway, since I may be the oldest guy on this board, I thought I would throw my two cents in here.