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Is it so wrong to train 6 days a week?


Jun 6, 2002
I train every musclegroup 2 times a week, exept legs. I do legs once a week.
The first 3 days i lift heavy weight. The second part of the week i lift light weights.

The boss of the gym, he does contests, and have won the national title a couple times, well, he also trains 6 times a week.
He's a big dude, 200 pounds, with 9 % bodyfat. He is 43. He have trained 30 years! So i think that he knows how to train.

And his restpauzes between sets is always 5 minutes! Is'nt that long?
I rest 2 minutes.
He sais, it's better, in bulkingfase, to rest long. Is that true?

So... is 6 times a week to much?
is 5 min. rest to long?

200lbs at 9% bodyfat isnt that big unless you are short. Remember what works for me, or him might not work for you. If you can eat grow and progress at 6 times a week great. I think you would be better off to spilt your bodyparts up alittle more, and not waste your time with the light days. If you are on a cycle and in mass mode eat lift and rest. So train 3-4 days per week, then sit on your ass and eat.
He is short.
He is some big dude.
He is 1m 70
bro, with the low amount of gear that your taking and the fact that your thinking about training natural for a while. I think that 6 days a week is going to be to much for ya. I train 4 days a weeks and I'm 240lbs. you don't grow in the gym. so if your hitting the muscle to often, your not letting it get full recovery. I do hit smaller muscle groups twice a week. like my calves and arms. But I ony tear them down hard once a week. If were you, I'd only train 4 days no more than 5. and just make sure your getting everything you can out of each work out. but be carefull to not over train. it's easy to do when goin balls out. train smarter not harder. concentrate more on proper nutrition and rest. once you stop getting gains ( which should be a while) you can change things up. and make sure your mixing your training routine up a little. stick to the basic movements, but play with the order of lifts, set, reps, ect. just so every week the muscle see's somethings just a little different from the last week.
good luck and be safe...

Way Too Much

Thats way too much bro, Less is more sometimes. Training 6 days a week at the volume that you posted your back/bi's/trap is defiently way too fucking much. No need to do traps if deadlifts are heavy and intense enough. My current split looks like this


I do ONE working set(balls to the wall set) 8-15 rep range per muscle group sometimes I toss in an extra lite set of flys or side latterals or hammers whatever it maybe per muscle group, but defiently never more that 2 workings sets....and I'll usually do 2-3 warm up sets before my working set. Hope this helps. I'm sure a ton of guys have splits and routines that work for them but I'm sure everyone is gonna tell you that 6days a week at your volume is too much. good luck.

ps I dont do more legs because I do a lot of crosstraiing, running, cycling and swimming...need the rest.
This is a difficult question to answer. Everyone tells me that I am too straighforward and stubborn, so I will try to be nice and explain my ideas in detail, without TELLING you what you should do. You decide for yourself.

Most normal people can get away with training 4-5 times a week. This is because they do a bunch of isolation stuff with light weights, and their intensity lacks. To sum it up, they really don't know what they're doing. However, do you want to be normal, or do you want to be freaky? Because you're 19 and under 200#, it's safe to say that you don't have freaky genetics, I could be wrong, but we'll go with that for now, so if you don't grow freaky, you have to train freaky. If normal people started lifting with the intensity that would produce REAL results, they might even have trouble lifting every other day. It's the REST that makes you grow, not the time you spend in the gym. What you want to do is tear everything down as thoroughly as possible, then get your ass the hell out of the gym, and sleep & eat. Do you see what I'm getting at with this, Geoffke?

If you lift too much you will overtrain. If you overtrain you will not grow. Most people overtrain when they lift more than 3-4 days a week. If I knew how your friend trained, ate, slept, and supplemented, I might be able to explain why he is moderately successful. I say moderate, because 200# @ 9%bf ain't that big.
First off I don't agree with everyone else. rest between sets vary, but to restore your ATP and CP levels it only takes approx 1.5 to 2 minutes. As far as training frequency, my advice is to try it both ways. Do 2 eight week cycles. 8 weeks 6 days a week and then 8 weeks with a variaton of what everyone else is telling you. Make sure your diet is right and you get enough sleep. Then after both cycles you make the decision of which one works best for you. It won't hurt changing things up anyway.
Re: Hmm

vitor said:
you would be better off to spilt your bodyparts up alittle more, and not waste your time with the light days. If you are on a cycle and in mass mode eat lift and rest. So train 3-4 days per week, then sit on your ass and eat.

if there is going to be a second workout for the muscle in the same week it must be a "lighter" workout. i tried to train heavy for the same muscle twice week, even when all juiced up i ran out of steam into the third week. it's just a little too much on the body.
When I was younger I could get away with training each body part twice a week. But now If I feel like I am recovering to fast in between each workout I just add more sets. I always go heavy and to failure so Its not hard to overtrain for ME.MM
Too much bro. Training too often cuts into your recovery and growth time, your body is always playing "catch up". Cut it in half and your gains will double, I can almost promise you.

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