I got nothing to add to that......thats right on the money....and what ive been asking for all along with this.
1) I will never forcefeed my opinions or try to get someone to do my methods who dont want to do them....I want people to train how they want to train bottom line....in fact I would prefer that most people DON'T train my way because alot of people just go by various pics they see of people, jump on the bandwagon and dont ever bother learning what its all about.
2) Grasp some form of training, believe in it, and hammer it for a year or two and find out if its working for you.....instead of jumping around every 45 days reading some new article on the boards or in the mags and thinking "well maybe i should be doing that"
Have you ever noticed that the really successful bodybuilders stop micro analyzing everything and make bodybuilding one small part of their day? Yes they eat every 2.5-3.5 hours but they are used to that...but they basically develop a gameplan, get in the gym and get out and then do other things whether it be school or business or whatever during the day and stop overthinking this shit.......yet on these boards you see people question themselves repeatedly, "should i do that should i do this, oh man maybe i was supposed to do that, dammit is that guy doing what i am supposed to do?!?!"
If more people grabbed a gameplan and a strategy on how to get to point B from point A you would have so many more happy bodybuilders in this world who lift for 1 hour of the waking day and then do stuff during the other 15 waking hours.......instead you got OCD guys who are so clusterfucked because they overthink about this stuff (365/52/7/24) during the whole 16 hours and end up 2 years from now looking exactly like they do today.