Great board! Need some feedback. Just started taking Test E (IV in the shoulder) at 100mg per week for a 10 week cycle. This is the first time I'm using steroids. I'm 44 and have been training on and off since 16 but have never made the gains or built the type of physique that I've envisioned. Recently found a friend who is a very experienced personal trainer and my training and diet is on track. Things are looking good. I also have a doctor who is checking my liver and kidneys and monitoring my use. What's the best way to approach what my next cycle should be. Currently I'm 5'10 at 188 at about 20% bodyfat. Good hardness but I don't have a defined enough look. I don't want to stack and want to avoid pct. Will Enthanate just give me sheer size and will the definition come from my training and diet over time. Thanks guys.