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Keeping Prostate Healthy???


Kilo Klub Member / Board Supporter
Kilo Klub Member
Board Supporter
Jul 30, 2007
Ok last time i ran tren i swore i would never run it again. But now i am going to give it one more try. Last time i experienced some prostate swelling and want to avoid it this time and need to keep my prostate healthy. I am 38 years old and am getting close to the dreaded "prostate awareness" age. What can i do or take to help keep my prostate in check and healthy. KS
im your age and would like to know more also,but i do take saw palmetto and also primrose oil which are both suppose to help,proscar is also good for your prostate.
I think I remember a thread here that discussed the usage of low-dose Nolvadex throughout a cycle, ~10mg/day, to help keep the prostrate at bay. I'll try to dig it up.
YEAH.. I POSTED ABOUT NOLVA AND WHAT I THOUGHT COULD OCCUR.. i will say this.. since introducing nolva to my cycles i do not have the "swollen" prostate that i used too.. i can pee like a teenager now..lol;)
YEAH.. I POSTED ABOUT NOLVA AND WHAT I THOUGHT COULD OCCUR.. i will say this.. since introducing nolva to my cycles i do not have the "swollen" prostate that i used too.. i can pee like a teenager now..lol;)

Thanks for sharing the knowledge bro's.

I'm a few months shy of 30 myself, and I just introduced 100mg tren ace ED into my run.

Has it been confirmed yet that taking Nolva with tren is safe, gyno wise? If so, I'm going to add some to my regimen.

Yeah what about everyone that says to NEVER TAKE NOLVA WITH TREN OR DECA? I am very curious about all of this. Starting Tren tomorrow:eek:
Well i've never taken tren alone, but when i used to run it with test, it would take me like a minute to start peeing everytime. Kinda scary. When i added in Finasteride at about 2.5 mg a day that seemed to help the problem.

Note though that it probably just took the strain off my prostate that the test was creating. But the combined effect of test (with the dht blocker) + the tren = no noticeable prostate issues.
I'm 42 and all I've ever taken is ALA and Milk Thistle. No saw palmetto, a multi-vitamin every day and B-complex. Only run tren for a short time, though.
kscowboy i have never heard of not taking nolva with tren of deca.. now that being said you should not take proscar or finasteride with test or deca ...
I've read a bunch of threads along the lines of:

Nolva upregulates PR.. causing progesterone/prolactin issues if using deca/tren/NPP.

Does anyone know for sure if this is just 'bro science', and has no bearing in reality?

Thanks in advance.

to maintain a healthy prostate, it is important to follow a clean diet and a supplement protocol year round, not just when you go [on] avoid fatty red meat, take a low dose finasteride/dutasterid, take a low dose nolva, maybe a baby aspirin or low dose advil/tyleno, high fiver intake is also important, the following supplements, sawpalmeto, anti-oxidant formula, green tea extract, resvaratrol, ala, and zinc,cal,magnasium. oh and lots of tomatoes/tomato products. i am tired so i hope my memory is working properly!
back in the day, all we had was nova for treating gyno, and it always worked, and deca was very popular in those days, so i highly doubt nova would create problems when using REAL tren.
well.. i goggled it.. on some boards they are saying that running nolva with a 19 nor can cause gyno make you more at risk.. again.. nothing i can findf concrete. but we know that if you are running test with a 19 nor deca or tren man still use nolva and have had no issues.. ill have to look further..
well.. i goggled it.. on some boards they are saying that running nolva with a 19 nor can cause gyno make you more at risk.. again.. nothing i can findf concrete. but we know that if you are running test with a 19 nor deca or tren man still use nolva and have had no issues.. ill have to look further..

Thanks for that, LATS.

I'm finding conflicting information all over the place too.

It would be nice to put this one to rest, once and for all, with something concrete.

well.. i goggled it.. on some boards they are saying that running nolva with a 19 nor can cause gyno make you more at risk.. again.. nothing i can findf concrete. but we know that if you are running test with a 19 nor deca or tren man still use nolva and have had no issues.. ill have to look further..

how much Nolva do you recomaned bro?
hey guys

last year i ran a lot of deca, two prep cycles containing NPP and tren at different stages.
I ran adex all the while...not one issue with gyno

this year i started deca/test/dbol and i used nolvadex instead of adex.
i'm now running letro and caber to get rid of this gyno.
prostate ammo

PUMPKIN SEED OIL.....cant believe no one put that up.......styrian pumpkin is best.....and lycopene I've heard although I have a book by this doctor that says lycopene is a scam......WTF ! .........Btw- lycopene is highest in sundried tomatoes.......
ALMARD i was am using 20 mgs a day..

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