AWN2004 said:Chins......period!!!
MikeS said:I always felt that you could get the same or more out of HEAVY pulldowns.
You could slightly determine the 'groove' of the rep, more so than chins.
Id say my lats are my betst bodypart. And when they were at the widest I was doing really heavy (350-400lbs) lat pulls. I can still probably do 350 in loose form for low reps, but Ive sacrificed some size for quality look and leanness, so Im not quite as wide anymore.
Well FUGG me!rAJJIN said:whats the best way to get these "fuggers" (stole that one off massiveG)
what are you big guys doing for Lats
sets reps etc for maximum width?
I think Dc said he made great improvements in this area
with the stretching and strapping himself up and hanging as long as possable.
Im curious what the members here are doing.