Hello ProMuscle Brothers and Sisters! Littlemack here. I have had a 3 week vacation, but training solid now for 1 week and growing. My trainer Phil Hernon here tells me that he can get me ready for the October 2008 John Sherman Classic in Houston, Texas. I have several friends who will more than likely be competing and it will be my first show ever! I told Phil that I don't care how I place, I just want to experience what all you guys go through and see what bodybuilding is all about...oh yeah..and maybe I will meet a nice girl like Pam' ela along the way. I must keep a watchful eye on Gypsy's brothers....they're crafty! With 16 months till my first show, I plan to lean up and continue to add muscle, and give myself all the time anyone could ever need to prepare. I train hard...so I figured...why not take advantage of my training efforts and reward my trainer for his patience and guidance. Phil's been there as a good friend...even when I was down and out...and acting a little nutty. Seriously. I just want to enjoy the next 16 months, train hard, eat clean, focus on this goal, and enjoy the journey. I'm not getting any younger brothers! hahaha I've decided that I will fly out to see Phil every 3 months(which he doesn't know yet...hahaha) to track my progress. I will create a journal and document this journey with photos every month. Phil already sent me a car to start this journey. He didn't send old beat up Ice Cream Truck. No brothers! He sent me Limousine!!! Hey Phil! Nice Car! Ah...HIGH FIVE!!! Now that my wife Oxano has been eaten by that bear...I'm ready to jump in the car and start my 16 month journey to this bodybuilding show! I have genuine and authentic Gypsy tears for protection. Fear not brothers! This magic is strong!
Hi Five!!!!
Hi Five!!!!