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Mibolerone experiences?


Jun 6, 2012
The Halotestin thread got me wondering. Is this stuff even still around since the days of the old upjohn version? I've only ever seen the Radjay tablets online but those seem to be bunk by all accounts. Any old timers have any experiences with the real Cheque Drops? The half life is too short I imagine to be for practical use in a 2 week cycle.
It's still around just gotta find the right source works great for me as a fighter

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What are the effects like? Any side effects?

It definitely gives u aggression. I love it... I heard people say stuff like it makes u flip out anger wise but I never experienced that

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It definitely gives u aggression. I love it... I heard people say stuff like it makes u flip out anger wise but I never experienced that

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No I've ran it also,just something you honestly want to run before a Fight,or Meet etc...Don't want to use it very often it does have an extremely high toxicity on the liver...I've only ran it before National Meets and of course a planned Fight...Using for fighting is what turned me on to it in the first place...Full life isn't very long so you dose it and get done what you need and than it's out pretty quick...

Omni-Labs SPONSORED ATHLETE©[email protected]®THE REAPER
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What was the point of even posting that preamble then? Really doubt you've got the original Upjohn drops suspended in PG because they haven't been in production for over a decade now.

These really don't look like they'd be a good choice for long term strength/muscle gains anyway
Shit I wish those would come back,that was the best of the best...No I have another source, I've been using... You asked if any old timers used I answered... My direction of age wasn't meant towards you seeing that you knew about upjohns already...And no I wouldn't give a true standing source out to a bunch of new guys I know nothing about...So did that answer your question of my post...

Omni-Labs SPONSORED ATHLETE©[email protected]®THE REAPER
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What are the effects like? Any side effects?

Worse side effects for any AAS. It will not do anything for muscle, just make you aggressive short term. A drug made for dogs in heat.
Worse side effects for any AAS. It will not do anything for muscle, just make you aggressive short term. A drug made for dogs in heat.
People have made thiis claim, but for something with such a high anabolic rating, my guess is that either toxicity or myth has limited its use to see its potential effects.

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I used it a handful of times waaay back in the day as a preworkout and all I really got was a migraine headache each time I used it. My workout parntner loved it tho.
What do you guys think would happen if I ran this for 2 weeks everyday? Good anadrol replacement?
What do you guys think would happen if I ran this for 2 weeks everyday? Good anadrol replacement?

Not even close.
Make sure there's no asking or mentioning of a source or this thread will be deleted.
Ever dance with the devil in the pale moon light?
I liked the drops a LOT before max attempts.

Certainly made the attempts more fun and made me feel like I can tear that DL off the ground... Even when I couldn't :D

Other than that, terrible stomach acid for hours after, clenched jaw and a really really bad stare on everybody who dared to came near enough.

Stopped doing them at all because they were taking too much of a toll on my stomach.
I liked the drops a LOT before max attempts.

Certainly made the attempts more fun and made me feel like I can tear that DL off the ground... Even when I couldn't :D

Other than that, terrible stomach acid for hours after, clenched jaw and a really really bad stare on everybody who dared to came near enough.

Stopped doing them at all because they were taking too much of a toll on my stomach.

They're suspended in propylene glycol, probably has something to do with it.

Thought that running these as a Kickstarter might be interesting due to the high anabolic/androgenic rating but it seems the toxicity is too high.
I used it years ago several times. You get some strength and aggression but it causes gyno symptoms VERY quickly. A crude drug in my opinion.

How soon are we talking? Like same day?

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