Man alot of you guys have to get out of that "Swolebeast supplements" mentality and listen to what AWN is saying above. Want a one way ticket to never becoming incredibly wealthy in the gym business? Make the mistake and think everyone is like you and is a hardcore bodybuilder and cater to that clientele.....youll probably be closed down in 2 years. Want a one way ticket to failure in the supplement business? Think along the same lines. When I get phone calls from people asking if creatine is steroidal and will they pass a drug test you start to realize that only 2% of the industry is educated and the rest of the people just want fancy labels, and told what to do. The BSN's are few and far between. For every BSN there are 8000 other companies that went into business and out of business in 2-3 years. Start thinking along the lines of "ok im going to cater to everyone here, pregnant lady who is looking to supplement her protein, old guy who is 75 who wants to stay young, 16 year old who want to gain weight, 28 year old executive who wants to stay in shape, 42 year old guy who is a canoist and triathlon athlete and wants to supplement his program......along with shaved head, goatee, mean looking bodybuilder guy".......then you will be selling some supplements when you put yourself in everyones shoes.
If i listed the NFL football players (Heisman trophy winners), the Division I and II college programs, the canoists, the triathletes, the baseball players, the wrestling teams, the vegan athletes etc etc etc who buy from my company you would be shocked. Hardcore bodybuilders are a minority.