Frankly, I think you look great. You are a martial arts guy that supplements with conditioning training. You have a good structure and good muscle mass and shape especially based on very little hypertrophy training with weights for several years. I am/was a martial artist from age 9 to 58. In my experience lower end doses of AAS work best for martial arts. Adding in weight training I always got a lot more response out of the weight training than BBers would expect from low doses. Frankly, a little extra goes a long way. You'll know your limit when it takes away from your wind. If you want to step away from martial arts for a while that's a little different. 500 test and a moderate amount of oral is fine in my experience either way. For me, it might take a little off my wind game in grappling. Martial arts is a completely different game compared to BBing. Low end to moderate amounts of a high anabolic compound with a TRT+ test base are ideal.