My wife and I are hooked on LOST too. I was a LRP in the Army, and spent a couple of years waaay back as a wilderness survival instructor. I've been there and seen the elephant. So, she makes me shut up about "what they should be doing", and "why the hell don't they distribute the guns, post guards, fortify the camp, patrol, etc, etc." and "it couldn't happen like that", "when's the fat guy going to lose some weight with practically nothing to eat", and all that shit. In spite of all the totally unrealistic stuff, I still love the damn thing.
Now, if we could just put a 6 man LRP or Ranger, (or what the hell, Delta) team on there with a little gear (you know, M4's, sniper shit, lots of ammo, a few claymores, night vision, etc, NOT that kind of gear), and totally eradicate the fucking "others", etc.....