Very good read! Very true. That's a damn nice setup too. I wish I had 24/7 access to a gym like that. Maybe oldfella will give me a key when I move to OZ.
What a great article and so well written.
I often write for personal reasons, a kind of personal diary that probably no one else will ever read. As the article states, we all have strife from time to time. We of the iron brotherhood learn to deal with our strife and our pain in a different real/surreal way. I can relate to the authors experience of tears streaming down your face while lifting. For me and I am sure so many others here, lifting at key times of stress in one's life can and will be a very emotional experience. Usually the anger fuels some of my most intense workouts, leading to an emotional release of such magnitude that you will cry, not from pain, but from relief of that pain. Who here has not had relationship issues at some stage? Well here is a very small exerpt from what I wrote one day after training through a particularly bad period for me...............
" I have had relationships in the past, and I am sure for the future to come. But I have only one single relationship in my life that has remained true and constant. She is my Iron Mistress. I call her such for that is exactly what she is to me. In all my years, all my turmiol, all of my darkest moments, she has always been true to ME and only me! She has never denied me, she has always shown her devotion to me. She motivates me and kicks my ass when I am less attentive to her needs. She never asks anything of me other than my daily attention! She has hurt me on several occassions for being that little bit less attentive! But she has always given so much to me that I now have a permanent bond with my one and only mistress. I have never cheated in my relationships with women, but I guess in some small way yes I have. I have vowed to be with my mitress till the very end of my existance here. If this is cheating, so be it! Then I am a cheater for life. I praise my mistress and thank her for her undying devotion to me, I will never ignore her again!"
Different things motivate people in many dofferent ways, this is why we are all unique, but we are truly bound together by the realm of the iron!
Ouch, if you come down here brother I will certainly give you the key to my mistress, just be careful as she can be a cruel mistress at the best of times!
You would be most welcome here!