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Peptide/Hormone stack for guys already in good condition but want to get super lean

2-4iu GH/day (not at night)
GLP1RA like retatrutide dosed conservatively 1x/week injection
IGFLR3 50-100ug/day
IGFDES with training 50-100ug/day
MOTS-C 10mg/day
Synthetine and or Syntheselen would be health promoting and support your goals. If choosing only one synthetine would be my choice. I personally prefer reta over tiz. I have NEVER lost fat so easily as on reta.
Someone has to tell you this and it might as well be me.

None of your results came from ipamorelin or CJC. Peptides are a joke which is why you never see them discussed here by the serious guys.

If you want to add something effective to your TRT then get GH. I've already told you the top quality sources here.
If one's sole goal is growth and fat loss, then exo. GH is obviously superior, but the peptides do have a place in bodybuilding under specific circumstances. For example, GHRP-6 and GHRP-2 can be highly effective for stimulating appetite in guys who struggle to eat all their food each day. I used to recommend MK for this purpose, but not anymore. Yes, it works amazing well at first, but because it's active life is so long, the user will become desensitized to its appetite boosting effects after a few weeks of daily use. This is not so with the GHRP's. Their active life is short, so that they can be used day after day without losing their appetite boosting benefits. Now, if someone starts using them 3-4 times daily, some degree of desensitization will certainly set in, but if they limit their use to 1-2 times daily...only when they really need it...the will be able to use them long-term with continuous benefit. They are dirt cheap too.

Generally speaking, while high-dose GH peptide/secretagogue combinations are certainly capable of causing massive increases in GH levels (we've seen guys here raise their IGF-1 levels to 600+ with high-dose DAC and MK cycles), they are NOT going to provide anywhere near the same degree of fat loss as exo. GH...even if the total amount of GH secreted is the same amount as what we inject with exo. GH. The reason is simple. They are ghrelin mimetics. Ghrelin hinders fat loss through numerous mechanisms, and not just indirectly by increasing appetite, but through direct mechanisms, such as promoting lipid uptake into fat cells, hindering lipolysis, decreasing thermogenesis, etc. Because GH secretagogues share many of the same characteristics as ghrelin, they impact the body in similar ways. The only reason we don't gain fat with ghrelin mimetics is because they increases GH levels. This means that GH secretagogues have both positive and negative effects on fat loss. These positive and negative effects pretty much cancel each other out in terms of fat acquisition/loss, making them rather neutral from a bodyfat standpoint.

Anecdotal evidence reveals the same, because when we evaluate the community's experience with these substances over the last 15 years, the general consensus is that they don't cause fat gain, but they don't really cause fat loss, either. This is the main reason why GH peptides/secretagogues differ so much from exo. GH and why early users pointed out that they weren't the same. If GH peptides/secretagogues didn't share such similarities with ghrelin, and the were able to increase GH levels without affecting so many other body systems, we would be able to get similar effects. Anyway, it is my opinion that exo. GH and GH peptides/secretagogues should not be viewed as similar or interchangeable...because they're not. They do share similar anabolic benefits (assuming the total amount of GH released/injected into the body is the same), but with exo. GH being so cheap and accessible these days, I see no reason to use them for this purpose, either. The only reason I can see someone choosing peptides over exo. GH is potential legal/moral concerns, but this is not an issue for most people here.
That's an impressive transformation, and it sounds like you found a solid stack that worked well for you! The combination of low-dose test, Ipamorelin/CJC 1295, and Tirzepatide seems to have been an effective approach, especially for targeting visceral fat and getting that leaner physique while maintaining a focus on heart health. You're absolutely right that real HGH might take it to another level, but your stack definitely shows that with the right approach, it’s possible to achieve great body composition changes.

If you’re looking to continue experimenting or even refine your stack, Bc9.CO could be a good source for high-quality peptides and hormone products that fit well with your goals. It’s great that you’re being mindful of heart health, and that stack seems like a balanced, sustainable approach. Keep up the great work and keep us posted on any future results!

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