Ive had this problem for 4-5 years,when it first happened the pain was horrific. It started in neck down shoulder into arm and hand with pins and needles. I lost 90% percent of strength down my right side,also the top of my chest,right lat,tri,and delt atrophied.
Its taken years to get 80% of the strength back down the right hand side. My upper chest,lat,tric,delt are still attrophied but not as bad as it used to be.
Pain is constant,some days worse than others,also my arm can numb that much i can hardly open my hand or move my arm,its as if ive been lying on it for hours and it just goes dead.
I had an X-Ray 3 weeks ago mainly for a seperate lower back issue but to rule things out also. I had a consultation with the Doc and it turns out its arthritus,i never thought in a million years it would be this! Just reading a few mins ago though injuries can sometimes cause arthritus to start to the area thats been previously injured.
Was it a trapped nerve thats now formed arthritus.... Or has it been arthritus all along...Any way ive found what the triggers are that make it worse,i try and avoid these triggers,although walking and sitting down is a trigger lol hard to avoid both!lol Bad posture,bad sleep position,bad form when lifting weights,also sitting on the computer with bad posture bad head neck position these are all triggers.
Massages help,i have a very patient and just downright amazing gf,she came to a therapist with me and he showed her some massages to do. That saved alot of money! At £35 a massage it became costly,now my gf just does it.
Try and find out whats causing the nerve being trapped..it could be a muscle,a joint,spine etc..then its alot easier to get the problem dealt with. Sometimes you just go round in circles with chiropractors,massage therapists,sports therapists,doctors,specialists,and you never get the right answer and everyone seems to think its something else.