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New member
Jul 27, 2024
Good Moening,
I’m 33 years old. 5 9 220. 12% BF. I’ve been on TRT for the past 3 years. Largely in part to my use at a young age. HCG (Pregnyl) just over 1000 USP and .5 of Anastrozole per week. After 3 years of using the CJC I switched over to Sermorelin/Welltropin last month. We’ll see how that works out.

Back in late July, early August, I decided to jump on some gear again. A blast and cruise concept. My bloodwork was solid, with some elevated liver enzymes, but overall ok. 300mg of DECA/400mg of Test Cyp (injections twice a week - Monday and Thursday). The cycle is only 12 weeks. Now in week 6 I added Anavar. 50mg (split) for the first 2 weeks with it being upped to 100mg per day for the remaining 6 weeks. I’m still taking 1000 USP of HCG throughout.

I’ve experienced significant DECA Dick already and I'm a little concerned that my prolactin is getting high and I’m not taking enough of an AI - as I’m only taking .5 mg of the Anastrozole per week. Should I be taking .5 per day of AI? I got some Adex coming so I could take it daily if that’s advisable. Is there a prolactin inhibitor I should be taking?

My strength and size gains have been significant since starting this. I began at 202 and I’m already up to 220. The last thing I want is Prolactin GYNO. Diet is sound.

If I could get some advice on how to improve what I’m doing and protect myself that would be fantastic. I have some serious goals, but I need some guidance on how to get better. This way when I’m done with this and ready to get back off TRT dosages I can hit it hard.

as fleezy said- get bloodwork. without that we're just guessing. if prolactin comes back high, then get some Cabergoline.
but ED can also come from both high estrogen and low estrogen. hcg can cause estro to go up as well.
thats why bloodwork is so important instead of throwing meds at the problem.
privatemdlabs... google it
If you’re in the US there’s 3rd party labs you can order and pay for it yourself. Not doctors needed! Blood work will show where your estrogen is at and also your prolactin.

Private Labs
Ultra Labs
Marek Diagnostics

Question, are you truly 12% BF? It’s like a generic calling card for someone who’s not sure. That’s why I ask. Your doses are relatively low and shouldn’t be giving any issues unless you’re super sensitive to AAS or you’re over weight.

I ALWAYS keep my Test levels 200mg higher than any 19-nor such as Deca/Tren.

Get some Vitamin B6 which is OTC, and start taking some to get the ball rolling.

Can I purchase online and use labcorp? That’s what we have here. Just wondering.

Also, where do I go to purchase online?
These 3rd party labs will direct you to either Quest or LabCorp for the blood draw. Once you choose and pay for your tests you’ll print out a form to bring into the lab. You’ll usually get your results emailed to you in 2-4 days.

Thank you so much for your detailed response. Fair question. 15% pre cycle. The wrestler in me just guessed down. But I’m not far off.

That’s a great point. Should I up my test to 500? I mean I’m in pretty good shape.

Obviously relative to the people on this forum, but maybe just up the test to 500, take .5 per day of AI, and add the B6?

Maybe I’m just overreacting. These doses are low for a reason. I’m trying to ease back into it.

What do you think? I appreciate you
If you’re in the US there’s 3rd party labs you can order and pay for it yourself. Not doctors needed! Blood work will show where your estrogen is at and also your prolactin.

Private Labs
Ultra Labs
Marek Diagnostics

Question, are you truly 12% BF? It’s like a generic calling card for someone who’s not sure. That’s why I ask. Your doses are relatively low and shouldn’t be giving any issues unless you’re super sensitive to AAS or you’re over weight.

I ALWAYS keep my Test levels 200mg higher than any 19-nor such as Deca/Tren.

Get some Vitamin B6 which is OTC, and start taking some to get the ball rolling.

100% agree
P5p is a special version of b6 that lowers prolactin. Very effective for low dose 19-nor cycles. 17 bucks can probably same day or overnight it

Excuse the ignorance, but where do I go to get bloodwork outside of my TRT doctor?

I don’t exactly want him to know
Use Quest Direct or Ulta Labs who partners with Quest. Labcorp is slower in my experience on labs.

As others have said if it’s prolactin then P5P 150mg daily should help.

If it was me I would consider something more like 600mg Test and 300mg NPP. Your ratio is too close and Deca being a longer ester may still cause issues IMO.

All stuff you want to first confirm on bloodwork though prior to making those changes.
“I’m 12%” “probably 15%”

I figured out your issue, you are fat

Even 7% holding the Niagara falls looks mushy and out of shape in most peoples eyes

If you truly want to be lean 5,9 220, what you are doing or want to do will not cut it at this point in your life

Also elevated liver enzymes on a piss weak cycle probably isn’t something to ignore, I could slam recs alcohol orals and injectables & not have elevated liver enzymes even when tested the morning after with no sleep. It’s not something I’d just brush off personally if my liver markers were out of range
“I’m 12%” “probably 15%”

I figured out your issue, you are fat

Even 7% holding the Niagara falls looks mushy and out of shape in most peoples eyes

If you truly want to be lean 5,9 220, what you are doing or want to do will not cut it at this point in your life

Also elevated liver enzymes on a piss weak cycle probably isn’t something to ignore, I could slam recs alcohol orals and injectables & not have elevated liver enzymes even when tested the morning after with no sleep. It’s not something I’d just brush off personally if my liver markers were out of range
“I’m 12%” “probably 15%”

I figured out your issue, you are fat

Even 7% holding the Niagara falls looks mushy and out of shape in most peoples eyes

If you truly want to be lean 5,9 220, what you are doing or want to do will not cut it at this point in your life

Also elevated liver enzymes on a piss weak cycle probably isn’t something to ignore, I could slam recs alcohol orals and injectables & not have elevated liver enzymes even when tested the morning after with no sleep. It’s not something I’d just brush off personally if my liver markers were out of range
And you sir is what is wrong with the entire fitness community. I’m downplaying the shit out of everything. I want to sound humble and eager to learn. lol you’re such a douche. No I’m not fat. Chicago, IL come visit

And you sir is what is wrong with the entire fitness community. I’m downplaying the shit out of everything. I want to sound humble and eager to learn. lol you’re such a douche. No I’m not fat. Chicago, IL come visit
You don’t even take 500mg of test, run no gh and you’re here asking if you need to take 0.5mg adex per day, I am 99% sure you are not humble because you look incredible. Stop wasting peoples time on the board with your nonsense, nobody can give you advice based upon text

My advice was the best you were going to get, to massively improve your physique -you don’t take enough drugs

mission accomplished with your trolling another useless thread . If you want to learn read luuki posts; bboy, bbextreme writes a ton

Personally I think you’re full of shit, you can take that personally if you want

“Come to shit hole Chicago” no thanks
Lowering E2 will lower prolactin, that itself will be enough to prevent “prolactin based gyno” - ive had sky high prolactin with 0 change to my nipples, for long periods of time too. Increase AI is fine but as everybody said, it’s individual - 0.5mg a day might nuke yours, if you’re fat you might need it. Getting leaner will solve a ton of the worries you have, but you’re not solid 220, this is new weight from your small cycle - which is why you can’t cut to single digits and stop overthinking the entire process

higher doses of test without gh won’t help the issue you have either, it’ll work great for two weeks before you look worse, that’s just how it goes for most people. Bodybuilding is a constant change of hormones in and out, it’s not a pre-planned arbitrary cycle of say “500mg test 400mg deca” and then “cruise on 250mg” - that kind of bodybuilding is for absolute gym rats you can hardly tell most people take steroids when they operate like that
Lowering E2 will lower prolactin, that itself will be enough to prevent “prolactin based gyno” - ive had sky high prolactin with 0 change to my nipples, for long periods of time too. Increase AI is fine but as everybody said, it’s individual - 0.5mg a day might nuke yours, if you’re fat you might need it. Getting leaner will solve a ton of the worries you have, but you’re not solid 220, this is new weight from your small cycle - which is why you can’t cut to single digits and stop overthinking the entire process

higher doses of test without gh won’t help the issue you have either, it’ll work great for two weeks before you look worse, that’s just how it goes for most people. Bodybuilding is a constant change of hormones in and out, it’s not a pre-planned arbitrary cycle of say “500mg test 400mg deca” and then “cruise on 250mg” - that kind of bodybuilding is for absolute gym rats you can hardly tell most people take steroids when they operate like that

You don’t even take 500mg of test, run no gh and you’re here asking if you need to take 0.5mg adex per day, I am 99% sure you are not humble because you look incredible. Stop wasting peoples time on the board with your nonsense, nobody can give you advice based upon text

My advice was the best you were going to get, to massively improve your physique -you don’t take enough drugs

mission accomplished with your trolling another useless thread . If you want to learn read luuki posts; bboy, bbextreme writes a ton

Personally I think you’re full of shit, you can take that personally if you want

“Come to shit hole Chicago” no thanks
The problem here is anyone replying to these threads at all. This is PROFESSIONAL MUSCLE and this is not the type of stuff that should be asked here but guys encourage it by heavily engaging in these posts. This type of stuff is for the weekend warrior forum, the TRT+ forum, the new-to-PEDs forum. There's nothing wrong with asking this but ask it in the right place.

I can tell you that behind the scenes many of us, including some guys you named, are very disappointed with what this board is these days and it's why we don't openly share more of what we're doing.
Ok sorry guys. I thought this was the place to ask questions.

Won’t happen again yall

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