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Post Info on Pre-Contest Carb-Loading Here!


The "Elder" Mod
Kilo Klub Member
Jun 5, 2002
I know pieces about pre-contest carb loading have been covered on this board and elsewhere. I'd like to see someone post a carb deplete - card load schedule and then have others comment/add to/ or amend it.

While I competed over 15 years ago, nobody really could explain to me back then how to properly go about doing this - only saying that if you blow it, you'll really look bad, so I never did it.

I'll compile everything that gets posted into a new thread so we have some GOOD info for those seeking it - since we are a "Bodybuilding" board :D

you still going to usa's

well will see if my carb deplete and load works there! it will im sure!
I had a real financial quandry with an online business that I have and won't be able to go this time :(

Let me see if I can get things started - fill-in the blanks

Carb depletion Monday-Wednesday (down to how much/little 100, 50, 0????)
Start your carb load on Thursday at 150 grams complex dry carbs divided into 6 equal meals (what are dry carbs?)
Then Friday look in the mirror and add another 50 grams if you are still flat giving you a total of 200 grams through Friday night then start loading 2-3 rice-cakes with jelly every 2-3 hours from 8-9:00 p.m. or until you get to sleep.
Contest day: first thing in the a.m. before pre-judge eat some pancakes with a lot of syrup and 6 oz. flank steak (yum-yum :D - sorry, couldn't help myself)

I assume that Protein intake is still maintained at 350 grams during the week or whatever amount one was taking up to that point?

The above info was from a wyldeone post (with lots of unanswered questions - by me!)

This is a great article by Gary Holmen

4 ) Getting Ripped for Your Contest

Getting into contest shape tends to be one of the most discussed items
on the femuscle list and it tends to be discussed in a "this works for
me" sort of way. The only problem with this is that everyone is just
slightly different than each other... we all have the same goals but
sometimes we have to go about getting there in different ways. This
article should shed some light on some of these different methods and
what happens to our bodies as we prepare for our contests.

4.1 Water, Water Everywhere

The biggest change from a pre-contest diet to contest diet is water
intake. The depletion of water stores is what gives a competitor that
hard, ripped look. The following are all ways one can reduce their water
retention prior to contest time. (listed from my favourite to least.)

- A) Switch to distilled water about 2 weeks out from your contest.
Normal tap water has lots of minerals and sodium in it and
this just adds to water retention. My moving to distilled water
you know that the only stuff you're putting in your body is the
water that it needs.

- B) Cut out the sodium in your diet. In conjunction with switching to
distilled water start monitoring how much sodium you're intaking
about two weeks out. Keep your sodium levels well below 600 mg.
This is harder than it sounds... one egg white contains 50 mg
of sodium.

- C) Reduce your water consumption in these 2 weeks. For the first while
drink the distilled water at the same rate you would normally do
(about 3 days) and then slowly reduce your water intake so that
about 3 days out you're only intaking slightly more than you're
excreting. For me this change is from about 10 cups/day to about
3.5 cups at the end. Don't over deplete yourself 'cuz you won't
be able to train properly... slowly accustomize yourself to it.
Eliminate water in small increments rather than huge jumps.

As well reduce the amount of liquids you're getting from non-water
sources. Milk, juices, teas and coffees all add water to you...
these will basically have to be eliminated in your second week.

- D) Use a sauna or sun bathe to dehydrate yourself. Again be careful...
Don't over do this. Be careful of heat stroke... having a ripped
bod in the hospital isn't what we're aiming at. 8^)

- E) (My least favourite) Diurectics can be used to remove water from the
body as well but like all 'get results now' schemes this has the
greatest drawbacks. It's very easy to over deplete your body with
these or make yourself sick enough that competing won't be possible.

4.2 Diet

I'ld suggest a form of carb depletion/loading scheme for your pre-contest
diet. (I don't suggest carb loading on a long term basis but on a short
term cycle there isn't much harm.)

About 4 weeks prior to your contest increase your protein intake slightly
so that carbs are only supplying about 50% of your total energy requirements
and proteins are about 35% and fat intake is around 15% (rough numbers.)

As well increase the amount of fibre that is included in your carb totals.
About 10-20g more fibre is plenty. (make sure these are included in your
calorie totals even though your body can't utilize them.)

This should accustomize your body to the use of protein as fuel. If you
start smelling like ammonia or your breath starts to smell like acetone
you're in ketosis (the point where the body starts relying on proteins as
the primary fuel.) Ketosis should be avoided for the first two weeks as muscle
mass is being lost as well as food proteins and that loss over 4 weeks could
be substantial. If you suspect you're in ketosis up your carb levels slightly.

About 13 days out you will start your carb depletion/loading cycles. I tend
to group my carb cycles in groups of 4 days with 3 days of carb depletion
and 1 day of carb replenshing and on the 13th day you compete. If you find
that longer or shorter cycles work better for you modify this slightly so
that the day before your competition you're on a carb loading phase.

Carb Depletion day: Up your protein intake on these days to replace carb
calories. The amount of carbs you eliminate depends largely on you... you'll
need to experiment a bit with this but I'ld suggest an intake around
20/65/15 carb::protein::fat ratio. Eat your carbs eariler in the day and
stick with either grains (oats, rice, corn) or veggies that have a fair bit
of fibre (brocolli, lettuce, etc.) Fruits and milk products are out (as I'll
explain later.)

Carb Loading Day: Once your body is carb depleted your muscles will have
eliminated most of it's glycogen stores ( both liver and muscle) so on
carb loading days the extra carbs ingested will go predominately to the
muscles and liver to be stored as glycogen. This tends to have a rebound
affect... if you really deplete your glycogen stores your muscles will
store larger than their normal glycogen levels... 20-40% more glycogen tend
to be quite normal. This will make your muscles seem larger and harder.

A ratio of 65/20/15 should given you good carb loading results. Again avoid
fruits and milk products.

Last Carb loading Day/ Competition day: Now that those final days are here
you want to get that glycogen and water back into those muscles. On this
last carb loading day you'll slightly increase your fat intake and eat most
of your proteins early and the day and slowly intake the remaining carbs/fat
evenly through the rest of the day. Carb feedings at around noon, 3:00, 9:00,
midnight and early in the morning are all good ideas as your muscles will
build up their glycogne levels. A ratio of around 55/20/25 is probably a
good target.

On competition day your diet depends whether or not you're close to your
weight class. If you're close or a little heavy you'll delay the following
advice until after the weigh in. Now you'll want to increase your sodium
levels (salty fries, chocolate bars and milk products are now all allowed....
probably will feel like heaven.) and increase your water levels slightly
(by 1 or 2 cups... drink when you feel thirsty but don't go overboard.)

Keep a normal carb/protein/fat intake on this day.

And once you're done competition go out and reward yourself! You deserve it.

4.3 Things to Avoid or Try

1) Keep a log of what you ate and what you did when you prepare for
competition. Noone is the same and you'll find that the easiest
person to learn from is yourself. If eating salty fries made you
bloat prior to one competition make a note of it and know to
avoid it next time.

2) A couple hours prior to competition have an ounce or so of liquer
(like Grande Marnier). This will increase your muscle vascularity
(how veiny you look.) as alcohol tends to increase the amount of
blood at the skin surface.

3) Avoid fruit and fruit juices prior to competition for two reasons:
a) they tend to have high water content and b) most contain fructose
as the main carb and fructose is used exclusively by the liver.
Muscles cannot create glycogen from fructose. Extra energy that the
liver cannot turn into glycogen will be stored as fat and utilized
from there.

4) Avoid milk products as they again tend to be high in water content and
soduum levels. On your competition day milk products like ice cream
should be fine though and I would even recommend a sundae on that
day prior to competition.

4.4 Exercising and Posing.

The primary exercising being done in the last two weeks is almost exclusively
aerobic (riding the bike, etc.) with only a few days needed to tell your
muscles that you still care about them. I'ld suggest aerobics 7 days per
week for about an hour each day and about 2 days of weightlifting of
about 45 minutes per day.

Aerobic exercise is being concentrated on as it will use up more of your
glycogen supplies, burn more fat and be less likely to injure yourself on.

Posing is an art form... many pros don't even do it well (see Yates'
routine for a prime example.). Before your first competition watch a few
competitions first and talk to a couple of judges if you can. See what you
like and what others like and how poses move smoothly from one to another.

As well I'ld suggest finding a trainer who has posing experience to help
you. And most of all practice... you should know your routine in your
sleep come competition day! Pose in front of the mirror and friends who
can be honest and critical... the best advice is what you're doing wrong
IMHO... that's what everyone else will really notice.
an excert from skiplacour's pre contest diary over at bolex

Friday - shitloaded again. Figured it worked for the past 4 weeks, it will work again and might help even more due to the increase in sodium for a 'sodium loading' phase. Only put on 4 pounds - very watery on Sunday and it was gone by Monday night. Hit legs on Saturday for the last time before the show and hit them with very high volume and low intensity. Went with kind of a slow motion rep scheme to start my depletion phase. Only 25 grams of carbs (oatmeal) on the days of depletion training and NO carbs on the rest of the days until the shitload on Friday night before the show.
Depleted again on Monday. This sucks - weak and lethargic but looking sharp. Focussed primarily on Back, chest, a little side delt work and a little arm work. I figure the high volume of back and chest work will already help to deplete arms and delts anyway. NO abs or oblique work this week to let the size of the midsection shrink down even more. NO cardio of course either.
supplements are the same. Still using the superclen and will use it through the show. Winny and test and tren all staying the same through the show. Arimidex will stay at .5 mg ED through the show also. If I didn't already note it, I increased the arimidex at approximately 9 days out. Yes, it is a low level of test but insurance is insurance.

Depleted on Wednesday. This one didn't seem so bad for some reason. Maybe cuz it is getting closer to the end of all this. Very flat but looking sharper by the day.
Did almost the exact same workout as monday. Just looking to deplete and not get sore or train too hard. More of a 'stretch and squeeze' day with the weights - just to get a good pump.

Started aldactone at 50mg./ 2 times a day and am taking in 3 gallons of water today. Took in 2+ for the past 3 days also. Pissing like crazy.
Switched from chicken breast to turkey breast and started with distilled water just as a precaution.

By bedtime, my legs were vastly improved and separating quite well.
Put a coat of pro tan on before bedtime.

Planned to drop water to 1 gallon of distilled water today but instead kept it at 1.75 gallons. Why??
I don't really know other than to say that it just didn't feel right. I was very pasty mouthed after only a couple of
hours into the day on Thursday and not pissing at all. My gut told me that the drop was too dramatic and
I felt that I might be cutting the water too early, running the risk of a possible kick back. This
will end up being a great idea in about a day so hang in there.
50mg. aldactone/2 times today. Drying out nicely. Looking better by the hour.
Hamstrings are cramping a little while posing but after stretching, were fine.
2 more coats of pro tan - one in am and one in pm at bedtime.
Added some no salt, natural peanut butter to each meal as I feel too flat and lethargic. Felt much better after only 2 meals of this. Shouldn't cut fat so low anyway.

Cut water at 4pm. Only planned to have about 1 litre until then but changed that also to about 2/3 gallon.
Aldactone at 50mg./2 times today (9am and about 5pm)
Started shitload at 7pm after monitoring my condition almost hourly all day long. Seem very flat and
depleted. Weighed 189 in a.m.. This is a bit low but I needed to be about 9-10 pounds under so that
the shitload wouldn't take me over the cut off weight.
Had not weighed myself all week. Didn't want to get caught up in the number game at all this week. Weighed myself this morning only to see how much room I have to shitload without going over the cut off for the light-heavy. Don't want to shitload myself into the heavy-weights.
Shitloaded with caramel brownies, cheesecake, went to Woody's Pizza and threw down the pizza buffet, Mrs, Field's cookies and oreo cookies, and of course..... Krispy Kremes (they ARE my staple shitload food).
See what happens in the morning. I find it VERY difficult to not drink water while shitloading. It is
torture. These shitload foods are high in sodium which, is great for affect, but makes you thirsty as a
mother phuker. It was terrible.
Should look phuking unbelievable.
The only thing that can go wrong at this point is that I cut my water too early and I don't have any indication at this point that that is what will happen.

Saturday morning.
NO wake up call and the back up alarm had lost power.
Luckily, I happened - somehow to wake up only 15 minutes late and we got around quickly, still making
it to the check in early.
Weighed in at 192 - a little low but haven't eaten but 4 krispy kremes on the way to check in.
Look very dry and hard but a little bit flat.
Breakfast should take care of this.
weigh in was 8am and I was eating breakfast about 9am - thick french toast with real maple syrup and a
load of butter, omelette with ham and green peppers and mushrooms and about 8 ounces of ice cold water.
Felt I could use the water as I would be upping my aldactone to 75mg. this morning anyway. I took the aldactone
with breakfast.
Was a little distended for about 2 hours. It subsided about 30 minutes before stage time.
Only had a few bites of some cookies to keep some carbs in me sucking up as much sub Q water as possible
and filling me out a bit.
Hit my dream tan and was ready to go at about 11am.
Laid down on a towel with my feet up and napped until being called to the pump room around 1pm.
Touched up my dream tan, did a couple light sets of laterals and push ups to get the veins going - and
they were phuking GOING. Almost all of my competitors were commenting on, and asking me how I get so vascular.
Hit some salt and grape juice before stage time but it didn't hit in time to help me on stage.
Some mild hamstring cramping near the end of prejudging.
Also, cramping a bit in my stomach - not abs but in my guts. I felt very bad for about an hour after the posing.
Drank about 2/3 of a litre of water (slowly) and felt much better in about an hour. The feeling was weird -
almost as if I needed to throw up. In hindsite, I think it was the salt and fruit juice that upset my stomach but I
can't be sure.

Ate nothing all afternoon. Drank about another 1/2 litre of water until about 5pm.
Seem to be getting harder (too little water?????).
Checked back into the show at 5pm and walked up the mall and had a gourmet burger with cheese and
mushrooms and sauted onions and blue cheese dressing, fries and about a quarter glass of water.
Took my 75mg of aldactone and figure that if I took in a little more water than I should have, it would come
off in the next 3 hours anyway.
I was right.
No water at all until about 5 minutes before the stage when I sipped a few times.
I got harder and harder until I hit the stage at 9:30pm, approximately 6 pounds heavier than at prejudging
and obviously tighter and drier.
No cramping at all at the night show.
I had hit it perfectly and dialed it in right on the mark.
If you aren't sure, check my pics and you can come to your own conclusions.
About 30 minutes later I was on stage (took the salt and fruit juice combo about 20 minutes before hitting the stage and it met with my stomach
just fine and was obviously kicking the vascularity up for me, one last time for the day) kicking everyone's ass and raising the roof when I didn't get the
nod for the overall.

In hindsite, the only thing that really stands out, that I learned, was that FOR ME, dropping the water so
drastically from Wednesday to Thursday is overkill and would have phuked me up if I hadn't had made adjustments.
When I took the water in, I filled out quite a bit while still getting tighter.
Next time, I will go with 3 gallons up and through Thursday, dropping to 1 gallon or 1.5 on Friday and cutting all of
it by 5pm (same time) on Friday. This should work equally as well and I won't have to fight the thirst and risk
going flat.

I hope that this helps to shed some light on the concept of shitloading.
Understand, this was only MY experience with it and you may react totally differently than I do or did.
It is your responsibility that if you are going to use this tool, that you experiment with it sometime BEFORE
the show to see how you respond.
Please don't rely on this info exclusively to get ready for a show.
Sift through it, try what you can, and change things to suit YOUR needs.
I did it this way and found out that some subtle changes worked even better for my situation.
Example: If I had waited until saturday morning to shitload, I would have come in way too flat and
possibly had too much distention in my gut from trying to force down too much food.
On the other hand, SFzilla stated that in HIS experience, he would smooth out when he started on friday night
vs. saturday morning.
Find what works and then use it to kick those same asses that will chastize you for eating like shit while they
hold their baby food jars and 5th place trophies.

Any questions, post em.

Skip's out.
sorry for the long reads but u asked for it

Fat For Fine Tuning??
by Ron J. Clark, NFPT President & Founder
"If you have never used last minute fat ingestion as a method of improving the effectiveness of pre-contest carb loading, listen up; because not only does it make sense in the test tube, it has already been used on the pro scene successfully!"
Several months ago, I remember reading an article entitled "The Pork-Chop Diet", written by a doctor whose name I don't remember. I do remember however, reading it with an open mind. While I saw no scientific basis for his conclusions, he did get me thinking about just how vital fatty acids are to muscle tissue recovery and glycogen loading.
The more I thought about it, the more ideas I kept coming up with. This eventually prompted me to do considerable research on the topic. In applying some of the most basic scientific principles concerning muscle physiology and body functions relative to fat metabolism, I ultimately stumbled upon a theorized method of optimizing glycogen replenishment through the properly timed and controlled ingestion of fat during contest preparation!
At this point, for whatever reason, I still wasn't really motivated enough to write this piece. However, recently a national level bodybuilder, Mike Mergl and I, were talking and the topic of fat intake came up. He immediately told me that Flex Wheeler said he used last minute fat intake in preparing for a contest not long ago, and said it worked great. I then proceeded to beat Mike to death with all the intricate detailed reasoning for Flex's success in using this pre-contest dietary concept. And, I knew that very instant that I would eventually write this piece.
I just came back from the NPC Nationals in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Among the many professional bodybuilders I spoke with, I met with Mr. Steve Brisbois, now retired from professional competition, after making his mark by placing 5th in the '90 Arnold Classic; 6th in the 91' Arnold Classic; 5th in the '92 Arnold Classic; 11th in the '92 Olympia; 4th in the Italian Open; and 5th in the Holland Grand Prix. Steve is one of the most tremendous bodybuilding personalities I have ever known. I mean, trust me, this guy is intelligent, professional, and a real straight shooter. Anyway, I brought up the topic of last-minute pre-contest fat ingestion, expecting to really impress the guy. And, guess what? He
immediately smiled and said, "Yeah, I know Ron. I did that a lot myself!" Steve was adamant in telling me how well last-minute fat intake worked for him.
With this said, I am confident that if you have never used last minute fat ingestion as a method of improving the effectiveness of pre-contest carb loading, listen up; because not only does it make sense in the test tube, it has already been used on the pro scene successfully!
"Even if this fat related method of pre-contest carb loading enhancement were to fail you miserably, the low quantity of fat used, and the last minute timing of its ingestion, will absolutely not result in a measurable increase in bodyfat prior to your show!"
I am certain there are those of you out there who are as little informed on this topic as I was prior to doing my homework. Furthermore, the successful application of this procedure, as mentioned earlier, is nothing short of a confirmation that my theory on last-minute pre-contest fat ingestion is a viable concept. A concept that you can safely put to work in preparing for your next show, because unlike the "Pork-Chop" diet, even if this fat related method of pre-contest carb loading enhancement were to fail you miserably, the low quantity of fat used, and the last minute timing of its ingestion, will absolutely not result in a measurable increase in bodyfat prior to your show! So, what have you got to lose by learning the hows and whys of this concept? Absolutely nothing!!
I warn you that this report, to a clinician, may be considered premature, as we at NFPT Headquarters have not yet had the opportunity to thoroughly apply the following theories to test subjects in a controlled study. I am assuming personal responsibility in releasing this information now for the following reasons...the physiological principles involved are sound, the concept has been randomly (and credibly in my opinion) reported successful in professional competition, and I know that if I were you, I would appreciate timely, valuable, and reliable information.
Overview of "fat release refusal"
In a nutshell, conventional, low calorie, pre-contest dietary practices, are nothing less than a preliminary stage of starvation. The greatest difference, in fact, is that the bodybuilder has not yet suffered the extreme loss of body tissue (to include mostly muscle). Furthermore, in direct association with one of the scientific points I will introduce later, the finely tuned bodybuilder and the unfortunate starvation victim share their bodies' "starvation based" refusal and/or inability to give up fatty acids from adipose tissue. This occurs since during this stage of caloric deprivation, these fat stores are dangerously low, and any further release of fat from adipose tissues would be perceived by the body as life threatening. This refusal of fat release is brought on in the body via the Endocrine system's varied hormonal secretions in response to caloric deprivation, resulting in a "shut-down" of fat mobilization, and slowed metabolism.
Natural -vs-Steroid use & "fat release refusal"
The above overview of this particular survival mechanism relative to fat retention, should in part present to the natural bodybuilder, an understanding as to why it is so difficult to get ripped naturally . On the contrary, synthetic hormones (steroids), among their many other effects, act to effectively "trick" the Endocrine system's survival mechanism, triggering the continued release of fatty acids from adipose tissue. This occurs due to the sustained presence of what the body perceives to be perfectly acceptable and normal levels of blood hormones (steroids). For this reason, the body will not sense starvation and the metabolism will remain elevated causing the continued cannibalism of adipose tissue. This effect of steroids, under extreme conditions, can be life threatening. In fact, hard training precontest bodybuilders using steroids while on prolonged low calorie diets, need to be acutely aware of the early warning signs of "metabolic acidosis" (lightheadedness, dizzy spells, periods of faintness, and mental confusion). This condition is brought on when the metabolism remains high and the body is forced to eat away at itself for the balance of energy not sufficiently provided for in the diet. This condition threatens allcontest-ready steroid abusers, at every show, and on every level of competition. Short-term "Ketosis" (an early stage of metabolic acidosis), has been suspect in contributing to serious health problems relative to steroid use. As a reminder, Metabolic Acidosis has the potential to result in coma and death with extreme drug abuse accompanied by extended low calorie dieting!
As yet another reminder to the natural bodybuilder, once this natural "fat release refusal" mechanism kicks in, adipose tissues will no longer release sufficient fatty acids and glycerol to efficiently fuel even aerobic activity. If at this point, the bodybuilder uses aerobics to get that slight edge he's looking for, which is common, it will have already been too late - this mechanism will have already kicked in, and sufficient fat will not be released! If this is the case, since fatty acids cannot be released in sufficient quantities from adipose tissue, the aerobics performed will require the balance of energy not provided in the diet, to come directly from remaining living tissue (ordinarily muscle)! This mistake, as common as it is, can easily be avoided through the proper application and understanding of body composition testing (skin fold testing is the desired method).
Allow me to set the stage before continuing. With the exception of anabolic steroid use, there are NO supplements that can provide greater net results than replacing bad training & dietary principles with good ones! This is a fact that NO credible expert in this field would ever contest. I contend that manipulating your nutrient (in this case fat) intake, to your advantage, unquestionably falls into the category of improved dietary principles. Thus, you can expect to experience much greater carb loading results in successfully using fat manipulation, than in using any non-anabolic substance!
The roll fatty acids play in carb loading...
It is a scientific fact that fatty acids are the muscle's desired source of energy at rest. Fatty acids are taken up into the cell and used to make ATP that fuels the cell allowing it to perform daily functions. While recovering from high volume pre-contest training, there is a considerable amount of glycogen that needs to be replaced using fatty acids at rest as the source of fuel enabling the muscle to replenish its reserves. No fatty acids...no energy to replenish glycogen reserves!? Simple! This is why you should consider ingesting dietary fat during those times when none is available to the muscles through the body's normal pathways (adipose tissue).
Even when there is sufficient blood glucose present to stimulate Insulin secretions (during carb loading), this "Insulin carried" glucose can at best be made available to the cell. But without sufficient fatty acids, what alternative source of ATP production will the muscle use enabling it to efficiently process and store the Insulin carried glucose as glycogen? I contend, that in the absence of sufficient fatty acids, at minimum, the efficiency of the uptake, conversion, and storage of glucose as glycogen will be significantly diminished!
The rationale?? Fatty acids are the desired source of ATP energy production at rest. When near "O" fat provision occurs, and the muscles are still not completely carb loaded, the introduction of dietary fat while carb loading will once again provide fatty acids for the production of ATP energy necessary to enable the muscle to efficiently perform the tasks of storing glycogen to the point of super-saturation. Is that hard to understand or believe? I think not!
With this understanding...here we go. You are 12 hours out from your show. You are natural, you have been carb loading for the past 2 days, and your regular skin fold tests have revealed the following information...
#1 - The measure that reflected the greatest amount of lean weight was 200 lbs., two months ago, after a 1 week layoff.
a) A layoff prior to this measurement was crucial because it allowed the muscles to be in a fully carb loaded state on the day of the measurement.
b) You have been successful in maintaining structural tissue for the past 2 months (using regular strength tests, to insure against structural tissue loss). This means that any reduction in lean weight can be attributed to incomplete carb loading.
#2 - Your current lean weight is 198 lbs..
a) You know there is room for more glycogen loading even though you have been carb loading for the past 2 days, because of the comparison between your past optimum lean weight capacity of 200 lbs., and your current lean weight of 198 lbs.
#3 - You look great, but for the past 3 days, skin fold tests show that your fat weight (not percentage) has leveled off. As a reminder, you have been carb loading for the past 2 days.
a) Fat is not being released, and the survival mechanism has kicked in. Short of drug use, resign yourself to the fact that you will not loose any more fat weight.
b) Now is the time to introduce this theory! the best you can do now is to optimize glycogen loading by introducing dietary fatty acids, and you know you have room for another 2 lbs. without running the risk of gaining additional fat weight.
At this point, the carbs you have been taking in for the past 2 days are not resulting in a significant fat weight reduction (indicates that fatty acids from adipose tissues are not effectively being used by the muscles for ATP production and a consequent optimum glycogen storage), just a fat percentage reduction is measurable since your lean weight is obviously increasing. There is a huge difference! And, no matter how much better you are beginning to look, you can look better! The reason this theory has not been addressed in the past may well be because in looking in the mirror and in watching the bodyfat percentage drop while carb loading, bodybuilders are typically satisfied. The truth of the matter is, that while lean weight increases the fat percentage is going to drop whether you are continuing to loose fat weight or not!
Since your fat weight has remained pretty much the same for the past few days, it should tell you that your carb loading could be more efficient by providing the muscles with the dietary fat it is not currently being provided with by the adipose tissues!
In theory, this dietary fat ingestion will result in even greater glycogen uptake and storage, because without fatty acids the muscles are not efficiently producing the ATP energy to get the job done! When introduced, dietary fatty acids will allow you, the natural bodybuilder, to stretch that stubborn adipose tissue to its limits by loading (supersaturating) the muscle to its capacity! So, don't be satisfied with just carb loading, give your muscles that extra ATP energy it is being deprived of in these crucial final hours...FATTY ACIDS!!
Now that you understand the need for last minute fat ingestion, the magic questions are: #1-What kind of food? #2-Exactly when should I ingest it? And, #3-how many calories worth of fat should I ingest? Right?
Well, the type of fat is easy...Medium Chain Triglycerides is the right answer to this question. MCTs are a chain of fatty acids that are quickly taken up in the relative cellular components for processing ATP more rapidly, making this the obvious fatty acid source of choice.
The answer to question number two is relatively easy as well. You should begin supplementing MCTs when your total fat weight has leveled off just prior to your show.
Now then the answer to the final question is going to be a bit more complicated. How much fat? Well, we know for a fact that it takes 3,500 calories over your weight maintenance needs (BMR + activity expenditure) to result in the addition of one pound of body weight. Therefore, if you are 2 lbs short of your maximum lean weight (per the example measured above), you can safely consume 7,000 calories above your current weight maintenance intake, over the remaining time prior to the contest. Since the fatty acids ingested will ultimately be converted and used for ATP, their caloric value should not be included in this 3,500 calories/pound calculation. The tricky part, for which there is no objectivity, is how many calories of MCTs.
First of all, it would be appropriate to maintain the presence of fatty acids in the bloodstream constantly. Therefor, it makes sense to ingest MCTs, in small quantities, around the clock, while finishing off your carb loading. Until more controlled research is done in this area, the total calories of MCTs to be used in contest preparation will be speculative at best.
now your really gonna hate this long as read

its copied cut and pasted info of a few threads/posts on the subject that i had pieced together while reading them a few months back...

I call this "Shit-Loading".... rather than carb or fat-loading.
Once I have carbs in my system with 5%bf or lower--- my body WANTS to hold water. So come contest day--- I have to find a way to minimize water sup-q and maximize water intermuscular. I think some people can accomplish this by using a SCAVENGER model.

Theory is---- remove water while inducing a state of WATER CRAVING within the muscles--- allowing muscles to expand against dry skin for superior conditioning.

I have accomplished this by water-loading Monday-Thursday. Then dramatically declining water Friday--- only sipping on Saturday. At the same time--- I drop carbs Wednesday thru Friday. This lack of carbs + water-loading makes me PISS like crazy and quickly trains my bladder to work efficiently (no carbs to hold the water means it just passes thru). Then everything changes on Sat morn-----> I EAT !!!! And I don't mean some chicken and oatmeal-----> I'M TALKIN' International House of Pancakes with a couple of BK croissant sandwiches (hence the term Shit-Loading). I add a glass of water with breakfast and only sip after that.

The SHOCK to my body has always been positive---- the carbs from shit-food SCAVENGES the water as the muscles fill full of sugar----> remaining water is pushed in the carb+water depleted muscles. UNLESS you "over-water"...... there is hardly enough to spill over. The muscles fill out with SHIT FOOD (fat helps this process as well--- and to keep digestion slower)---- and as the muscles expand with a little water and much sugar-----> the dry skin is pulled taunt!!!!!! Insulin on Saturday morning helps this process--- as well as a mild diruetic Friday night and EARLY Saturday morning (I prefer aldactazide).

As far as your DIRECT QUESTION on protein before competing----> I feel whatever protein you take in is irrelevant. The key in that last 24hrs is CARBS+FAT. Protein is a "side" issue--- that should mostly be ignored.

If your concern is how much protein (& what kind) on Friday---- I'd go with 500-700 grams (cals= 2000-2800). It doesn't really matter at that point. But to avoid bloat--- I'd stick with fish/chicken/turkey and watch the sodium (no processed fish like tuna). I would definitely eliminate protein powder the last week (lactose will hold water as well)---- my preference---- drop powders the last 4 weeks (I like to be READY 1-2 weeks early so my body stabilizes and the SHOCK of depletion & shit-loading is extreme). Remember: if you want an extreme condition--- you must prepare an extreme circumstance/stumuli to elict the condition.

I cannot assess your current condition (whether you are on-track or not) because only YOU can determine you sensitivity to carbs, as well as caloric need. So any comments I would make re: your progress would be short of helpful.

Things to remember to GAUGE your own progress----
* It's the mirror that counts--- not what the scale says.
* Losing bf is a dynamic mathematic formula---- as you lose, you metabolism changes and your body becomes MORE-&-MORE resistant. Thus, different stimuli are needed.

Good luck on your progress...... and post some pics when you're shredded!!!!

Excellent info but I have a question.
What are the chances of the sodium on the morning of the show catching up with me by either precontest or the night show??
I have heard this similar advice before but have been skeptical due to not wanting to blow my condition with the sodium.

What are your thoughts?

SODIUM IS NOT EVIL the day of the show !!!!
You NEED sodium to get great pumps and appear hard...... and besides...... fucking around with electrolytes WHILE using a diruretic is SCARY & DANGEROUS.

IMHO: sodium from the shit-load (should I copyright/trademark this???) will ONLY EFFECT your condition based on the amount of water you take in.

REMEMBER: you have water-loaded AND carb depleted--> and now water-depleted and are pissing like crazy from a MILD diruretic---> adding sodium will not effect sub-q if MUSCLES are the priority to replenish. LOGIC: sodium will go where calories are headed--> and thus----> sodium will replenish muscles stores (deplete with carb deplete) FIRST...... any extra will spill over. SO KEY is: don't over-water.

I checked my condition HOUR-TO-HOUR and added water if I felt flat.... and kept a high sugar level to SCAVENGE the water I added. Fat also helps with sugar level (as I mentiond before). AND BESIDES: who the hell DOESN'T like Snickers bars pre-show???

Sometimes.... a guy thinks that the extra calories will make him fat??? If you are not lean bf BEFORE Saturday morning..... you shouldn't be on stage Saturday afternoon.

So many guys think the extra cals will make them SOFT or WATERY.... so I ask..... how will one become watery if there is no water added and your body is PULLING water from sub-q to support muscles/internal organs??? More cals=more suction on existing water stores= repartition of water!!!!!

next thing ya know... you're a SHREDDER

Makes sense.
I would have thought that the carbs on Saturday morning would not be enough to fill you out in only a handful of hours before prejudging. Have you tried this same scenario but carbed up with normal (non-shit) carbs on Friday before 'shit-loading' on Saturday morning and did it work and if it did or didn't, why not??

My apprehension is not the sodium now but rather that after depleting carbs, that the amount of time to 'fill out' on Saturday morning is not enough time.

I have not tried the scenario (clean carbs Friday-- shit on Saturday). And here's WHY---> the first few shows I did, I was flat & soft compared to some. Then I'd go out on Saturday night---- eat a pizza, have a couple of beers, and maybe some CHERRY pop-tarts (I think that's phallic or something) ----> and wake up Sunday morning 3x the condition I was in Saturday night/day!!!! I got PISSED.......

So I experimented with loading phases--- and came up with this one. I RESPOND to carbs very quickly (and 10iu of 'slin HELPS.....). So I fill out very quickly and only need a few hours to blow-up. The difference is SOOOO DRAMATIC that my former training partner says I am "another being" when I hit this correct. I go from FITNESS BITCH to BBer in 3-4 hours **LOL**
SCAREY like someone stuck an airhose up my ass.

I believe this scenario would work well for those that are somewhat insulin sensitive --and/or-- using slin to load with.

I read a post over at Varix (I believe) where Massive G (a pro)would sometimes work out in the evening--- eat a post-workout meal--- eat a second LARGE and CARB HEAVY meal with slin just before bed---- and wake-up HARD & DRY. This is due to a similar effect as shit-loading. I've done it--- and it's WEIRD just like shit-loading.

NOTE: do not try the above unless you are POSITIVE what slin will do to you and the dosage to best take for your body (intermuscular only)-----> SIDE EFFECTS OF FUCKING THIS UP = death via hypoglycemia in your sleep.

For anyone interested, I will give you my observations and opinions on my trial run of the now infamous 'zilla shitload'.

I am about 10 days ahead of schedule for my show on April 6th so I took the opportunity to give the shitload a trial run.
Of course, it worked beautifully and almost immediately.
I ate from 4pm to 10 pm - all the shitty carbs I could stomach.
Ben and Jerry's, Chicago's pizza, Cinamon sticks from Domino's, Krispy Kremes (they were the BEST), chewy granola bars and of course, the 'samoa' girl scout cookies (cuz, they are the best too).

I phuking BLEW up. I looked 12 pounds heavier and my training partner about shit his pants when I show him my legs - the veins had become large worms and covered me - quads, hams, serratus, lats, you name it.

I held the condition (and this is WITHOUT limiting my water at all OR using insulin which I plan to use before the show) for about 18 hours before starting to smooth over. I put on 5 pounds BUT dropped 3 after the first day and then dropped 3 more the next 2 days, putting me 2 pounds below the weight that I started the shitload at. I was sweating while eating the food. My metabolism was phuking racing. After cutting the calories back to my original diet the next day, my metabolism was still racing and I dropped some extra weight.

In short, it is going to work beatifully. I would recommend anyone that is questioning whether to use it or not, to give it a try as I am sure you will be amazed at what it does for you.

use fats to slow your absorption rate Post #4
this has been around for a long time.
cool that you like it

just a note: if you eat more fats with your shitfood...you can slow the process of blowing up...why would you want to do this?..because, it will help you control spilling over, if you blow up in one day, that is bad, you lose it just as fast or spill over before your show..if you add in pepporoni, hot dogs, burgers,flax, fishoil, cheese, bacon, you will blow up over a period of 2-3 days...and maintain for 2-3 days.........just a thought for you...good luck
Good points.
I made it a priority to include higher fat foods with the carbs for that same reason. Also, I wanted food that was HIGH in sodium for the vascularity effect also. Everyone is so scared of sodium but I promise that if these guys would experiment, they would see that the culprit for water retention is simply the water and not the sodium.

I don't know if I could hold my condition for 2-3 days but your point is noted none-the-less. I didn't start smoothing out for about 18 hours. I am toying with starting the shitload the night before but don't know if I want to risk it as I have plenty of time before going onstage at prejudging around noon on Saturday. That would give me about 6 hours and I was in great shape in only about 2-3 hours this time around. The kicker for doing it the night before is that I could lessen the stomach distention as I distend a bit from all the food. Of course, it is overshadowed by the fact that I looked almost 12 pounds heavier.

Again, the great results I had are without any diuretics or limiting my water AT ALL. I was bone phuking dry - okay I could have been dryer I suppose but not much. It was unbelievable how different I looked in only a few hours. Zilla said he went from looking like a model to looking like a bodybuilder in 3 hours - that is EXACTLY what happened.

I didn't take in any extra protein at all. I focussed on carbs only. I don't think protein matters at that point in the game anyway. Hell, after so many calories, I am sure I accidently got 100-150 grams of protein anyway.

The only thing I will avoid will be dairy products but I have to say, it didn't seem to matter this time around. I will just avoid them to be safe. There are so many other carb sources that I won't be limited by avoiding them anyway.

The slin will speed up the process but I don't think it will cause any spillover of any kind. I think it will do one of two things:
Either I can carb up on less carbs and get the same response but without the bloat from all the extra food OR I can simply store more glycogen making me that much more full. It would seem logical that the slin would help to keep you from spilling over and not CAUSE the spillover.

J Smith:
Do a search. I think it is there somewhere.

Just my opinion....

AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! DON'T EAT FAT TO SLOW THE DIGESTION!!! Use fiber it will do the same thing, only better. All those carbs spike your insulin and what do you think happens to all that fat in your blood stream when insulin is elevated. Your also burning carbs in preference to fat so there's another reason they'll get stored. They don't wait around to be burned.

If any of you read up on the Ketogenic Diet carbload you would see the importance of excluding fat from the carbup. EVERY SINGLE GRAM OF IT GETS STORED!

And as long as you guys have elevated insulin levels it would be to your advantage to slam a lot of creatine and glutamine during that carbup. That will cause an even more dramatic volumization of your cells.

As far as water and sodium, I plan to keep water high all the way through Thursday. I start slowing down on thurs, and drop way down on Friday. I drop sodium on Thursday as well.

Currently, I'm three weeks out, at about 190 and 6%bf.
This will be my first showing, so I want to make it good.
I am pretty sure I have all my shit in order, but I don't want to fuck it up this close in.

I am currently running a keto diet.
Dropped all protien powders, drinking three Gal water daily, using a split training schedule, though not much in the way of cardio. . . I feel as though HIT makes for a nice replacement for cardio. I get some in on Wed and Thurs(20 min each), and then posing is definately exercise, but not much other than that.
Still dialing in nicely though.

Doing this all natural, so I am particularly worried about holding too much subQ, and coming in flat from improper / inefficient carb up.

I also have questions about sodium. . .
How much will it affect water retention in the last weeks. . .
What should I cut it back to?

What do other diets look like the last week?
Esspecially the last few days?

Additionaly, I have read about going from high water intake, dramaticly dropping water the day before, and sipping during the show, how affective is this method?

Any extra advice, I'm all ears.
I will be going through a test run this coming weekend, so any responses are appreciated.


my opinions---- but toms may have better ideas (consult with him and John Berardi)....

SINCE you are using keto--- it WILL take longer to get the effects of shitloading. I suggest a pretty heavy meal with lots of carbs and fat Friday night (after you have restricted your water)--- and another large breakfast meal (plenty of carbs & fat again) when you wake. Cut water down to 1 gallon Thursday and just sip on water Friday late-afternoon. Saturday--- have a nice cup of herbal green tea (natural diruretic) with breakfast -- and take in just enough water to keep you from choking all day. I prefer to suck on ice cubes!!!!

Sodium---- since you have no carbs in you and at 3 gallons of water a day---- you are nearly sodium depleted ALREADY. I would not change a thing with sodium except taking a tablespoon (in a about 4oz of water) just before pump-up @prejudging AND final show. The best timing would be 15mins before hitting the stage!!!!

Let us know the results of your "test run"----> zilla


It just occured to me that I usually train through Wednesday when I carb up 'traditionally' and then load post workout on Wednesday. I don't know if training until Wednesday and then not loading until friday night and/or saturday morning would work the same. I don't want to train too close to the show (especially legs as I will tend to be smooth in the legs if I train them too close to the show) but I also don't want to miss out on the 'supercompensation' aspect either.

Any thoughts??

I just e-mailed John Berardi and Chris Aceto---> and the answers I got back were--->

1. YES--- leave legs ALONE for the last week MINIMUM. They take 5-7 days to "dry" out. I used to take 10 days off---- it's NOT LIKE they will get soft??? But too close to showtime and THEY WILL hold water and not look crisp. Mike Francois didn't train legs 14 days out....

2. The super-re-compostition is over rated IF you are cycling and using some carbs. I have tried it both ways. My opinion---> train upper body lightly and high rep/slow Mon & Weds. I trained for 20-25 minutes and just pumped blood into the muscles (chest/back/arms). I did not train abs the last 10 days. The light workout Weds WITH CARB DEPLETION will be enough to illicit a super-compensation response. It doesn't take long to deplete when you hardly take in carbs day-to-day. For guys using keto--- it takes MORE MUSCULAR STIMULATION to trigger the same effect because insulin is "used to" being repressed, and thus the response will not be as "active" (insulin sensitivity reduced during keto).

3. NOT loading until Friday night will still work well GIVEN your last dramatic response AND THE ADDITION of insulin (10iu+10iu is good... just watch how ya feel and keep liquid carbs nearby in case ya need a QUICKY carb spike)

now----> fuckin' show the kids how we older guys can still clean up!!!!! I will be there on stage with ya (in spirit).

still wana talk???
lemme know------------------> zilla
I got to give to sfzilla, he definitely knows his stuff. He has been there and done that. When I competed at the USA's last year I cut my cardio 1 week out from the show. I just posed about 45 minutes daily(3--15min sessions). Everything worked great. I also have tried the shitload, although this is something I have experimented with myself before reading this on the board. It definitely works, especially if you are in the right condition. Good Luck at your show.
I don't do cardio the last week of the show.
Quite frankly, if you aren't lean enough by the last week, it won't matter anyway.
Go easy on the legs as they will look smooth if you don't.
I keep them elevated as much as possible the last couple of days before the show also - especially the morning of the show.

as far as sodium goes i understand that increasing your sodium before the week of carb depletion and even more sodium while carb depleting will suck the water out of the muscles when you severly restrict your sodium while carbing up. the reason for doing this according to chris is that the body craves a natural sodium balance, when you exceed the balance, your body works overtime by releasing a hormone to expel the sodium. i forget the name of this hormone at this moment but i will look into it for ya. anyway An immediate restriction of sodium while this hormone is at work can trick the body into a state of temporary sodium loss hence the paper looking tight skin ripped look.

aldosterone is the hormone i was thinking of here is some info i dug up on it.........The major mineralcorticoid, which is secreted almost independently of ACTH from the pitutitary, is aldosterone. Aldosterone secretion is controlled mostly by the levels of potassium and sodium in serum and a blood pressure control system called the renin-angiotensin system. The principle action of aldosterone is the retention of sodium. Where sodium goes, so goes associated ions and water. Therefore, aldosterone profoundly effects fluid balance by effecting intracellular and extracellular fluid volume.
Aldosterone has the opposite effect on serum levels of potassium as it is lost in the urine in exchange for sodium in the renal tubules. Salivary and sweat glands are also influenced by aldosterone to save sodium and the intestine increases the absorption of sodium in response to aldosterone.

Aldosterone levels increase and cause fluid retention in diseases such as congestive heart failure and liver cirrhosis. Certain diuretics act by antagonizing aldosterone. In contrast to most diuretics that cause potassium loss, the aldosterone antagonists increase blood potassium and are sometimes used for this effect
I'd like to see what big A, TMG, and Wyldes

Thouhgts are on this. I've heard rumors about some of the pros using this type of method too. But, you have to remember, it would probably not be a great idea to use these methods if you have back to back to back shows. I like to try to do 3 shows in a row and fine tune a bit better for each next show.
good info to think about and try in the offseason or early on when preparing for a show.

i personally have found that fat loading does well for me. but i totally stay away from sodium the last week of the show. i get minimal ammounts from my shakes and some misc. egg whites regular food etc.
Shitloading works, but to try it in the offseason doesnt make sense. What would you be looking for? You have to be lean to notice the effects and if your not lean enough SLing isnt for you. I SL'd my last show and it worked great, dried me out nicely, but filling out was the problem. My next show I dont think I will be doing a full blown shitload. Instead a moderate carb up and depending on my conditioning a mild shitload early Saturday morning.


Carb depletion Monday-Wednesday (down to how much/little 100, 50, 0????)
Start your carb load on Thursday at 150 grams complex dry carbs divided into 6 equal meals (what are dry carbs?)
Then Friday look in the mirror and add another 50 grams if you are still flat giving you a total of 200 grams through Friday night then start loading 2-3 rice-cakes with jelly every 2-3 hours from 8-9:00 p.m. or until you get to sleep.
Contest day: first thing in the a.m. before pre-judge eat some pancakes with a lot of syrup and 6 oz. flank steak (yum-yum :D - sorry, couldn't help myself)

I assume that Protein intake is still maintained at 350 grams during the week or whatever amount one was taking up to that point?

The above info was from a wyldeone post (with lots of unanswered questions - by me!)


Interesting. This is almost identical to what Tami was told to do as well. I don't see that being very individual. :(
4.1 Water, Water Everywhere

The biggest change from a pre-contest diet to contest diet is water
intake. The depletion of water stores is what gives a competitor that
hard, ripped look. The following are all ways one can reduce their water
retention prior to contest time. (listed from my favourite to least.)

- A) Switch to distilled water about 2 weeks out from your contest.
Normal tap water has lots of minerals and sodium in it and
this just adds to water retention. My moving to distilled water
you know that the only stuff you're putting in your body is the
water that it needs.

- B) Cut out the sodium in your diet. In conjunction with switching to
distilled water start monitoring how much sodium you're intaking
about two weeks out. Keep your sodium levels well below 600 mg.
This is harder than it sounds... one egg white contains 50 mg
of sodium.

- C) Reduce your water consumption in these 2 weeks. For the first while
drink the distilled water at the same rate you would normally do
(about 3 days) and then slowly reduce your water intake so that
about 3 days out you're only intaking slightly more than you're
excreting. For me this change is from about 10 cups/day to about
3.5 cups at the end. Don't over deplete yourself 'cuz you won't
be able to train properly... slowly accustomize yourself to it.
Eliminate water in small increments rather than huge jumps.

As well reduce the amount of liquids you're getting from non-water
sources. Milk, juices, teas and coffees all add water to you...
these will basically have to be eliminated in your second week.

- D) Use a sauna or sun bathe to dehydrate yourself. Again be careful...
Don't over do this. Be careful of heat stroke... having a ripped
bod in the hospital isn't what we're aiming at. 8^)

- E) (My least favourite) Diurectics can be used to remove water from the
body as well but like all 'get results now' schemes this has the
greatest drawbacks. It's very easy to over deplete your body with
these or make yourself sick enough that competing won't be possible.

Is he really serious?

I use the 10 day cyclic ketogenic diet that Dan Duchiene came up with in '82 called (and it is!) The Ultimate Diet.

Day 10: Calories half of maintenance levels, 30 gms of complex carbs
Day 1: Same calories and carbs, training 20 sets per bodypart, 15-20 reps per set, low rest between sets, chest/delts/triceps. Training first thing in the AM on an empty stomach.
Day 2: Test for Ketones in urine immediately upon rising using Ketostix-shuold be in Trace to Small ketosis. Same calories and carbs, training 20 sets per bodypart, 15-20 reps per set, low rest between sets, back/biceps/legs (calves, hams, and lastly quads). Training first thing in the AM on an empty stomach.
Day 3: Test for Ketones in urine immediately upon rising-shuold be in Small to Moderate ketosis. Same calories and carbs. Rest day.
Day 4: Test for Ketones in urine immediatley upon rising-shuold be in Moderate (possibly Large) ketosis. Training Heavy Duty (forced reps, etc) or DC style chest/dlets/triceps. Training first thing on an empty stomach. Food is oatmeal or brown rice 250-300 gms carb, same protein and fats, below manitenance calories.
Day 5: Test for ketones in urine immediatley upon rising-probably will be back into Small (possibly Moderate still) ketosis. Training Heavy Duty or DC style back/biceps/legs. Training first thing on an empty stomach.
Now carb load! Taking in 700-900 gms carb, mostly complex (pasta, rice, etc). Do NOT go below maintenance no matter how desperate yuo are to lose fat!
Day 6: Sugar loading day! Taking in 500-700 gms carb, all simple sugars, except dinner and after which are complex. Rest day.
Day 7: Powerlifting. Training for triples on multi-joint exercises, low sets, heavy weights, chest/delts/triceps. Maintenance levels of cals, proteins, carbs, and fat.
Day 8: Powerlifting. Training triples on things like squats, deads, rack pulls, shrugs for back/biceps/legs. Maintenance levels of cals, proteins, carbs, and fat.
Day 9: Slightly below maintenance levels of cals, proteins, carbs, and fats-the less yuo cut, the better yuo'll recover.
And then we're back to Day 10.

A few tips:
*POUND down the water on Day 5 & 6. Each gm of glycogen holds 3-4 gms of water in the muscle, so load the water, too.
*I like DC style training on Days 4 & 5 as I think forced reps and negatives are a great way to get hurt, and don't much care for a lot of the "Heavy Duty" stuff as advocated by Mentzer (whom I knew) and Jones
*If you're in a real hurry to lose weight, the days to really cut cals are Days 10, 1, 2, 3. Go below maintenance on Days 4, 7, and 9. Stay just at maintenance on Days 5 & 6.
*Yuo can play with the calorie levels depending upon how fast yuo're trying to lose fat.
*THE CALORIE LEVELS GIVEN ARE FOR A LIGHTHEAVYWEIGHT - you can adjust up or down if yuo compete in heavier or lighter classes - heavyweight up to 225, Middleweight down to 176, etc.
*It takes a couple of runs through to individualize this, but start by knowing where maintenance is for you. Weigh and write down everything yuo eat and drink for at least 10 days. Weigh yourself at the beginning and end of the 10 days. If your weight hasn't varied by more than a pound or so, yuo're at maintenance.
*Plan yuor show for Day 7 or Day 8. Yuo will naturally begin to drop excess water on day 7 after all the carbs, UNLESS yuo are on drugs that hold lots of water like test, and yuo aren't on any anti-estrogens. The drugs portion is a whole separate topic.

I've used this diet to get ready for 5 shows, winning at least one overall NPC title. I've also used it many times to just get into better shape after my schedule has left me a bit "smooth." Having tried just about everything else, I wouldn't use anything but this.

And no, I don't do aerobics - hate 'em, and yuo won't need them with this diet unless yuo don't leave yuorself enough time to lose the weight.

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