chinese government has put a halt to all aas powder production at this time. peptides are uneffected. who knows how long this will last, most likely until after the olympics.
that makes me feel better. i sure hope all this stuff goes down the road soon. something bond to happen to shift their attention to something elsepowders can be obtained from other coutries,
and just because authorities have told them to stop doesn't mean all will,
im sure they have plenty of stocks also to get them through a good few months without having to produce more
99% of powders are manufactured in china. it is a complete blowout compared to other countries concerning powder. just do a google "buy steroid powder" and see what comes up. if they stop production, they will not exist.their most be other country making powders i hope
99% of powders are manufactured in china. it is a complete blowout compared to other countries concerning powder. just do a google "buy steroid powder" and see what comes up. if they stop production, they will not exist.