I was going to leave u a smart ass remark but after I checked out the page I am a little stumped but will elaborate on my thoughts anyway.
I highly doubt it would work, different types of AAS have different types of half-lives and will remain in your body until your body breaks it down into various metabolites. I really dont think a pill, or liquid, or special diet will actually cause your body to break it down faster so IMO "NO, it wont work to get AAS out of your system."
But, will the product change some liver values, some cholesterol levels, flush the broken down metabolites out of your system a little faster, change the PH of your urine and dilute your urine so it will show up as negative?
Quite possibly yes. But those are 2 different things now arent they
May I ask why you might need a flushing product like this in the first place?