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Shingles shot over 50


Active member
Dec 9, 2021
Hey guys what are the thoughts on the shingles shot? I had it back in march took almost 3 months to heal. It was the worst experience of my entire life. It left scars on my forehead and I still cannot feel the left side of my head around my eye and forehead top of my head. Even deformed my eyelid.

No medication will stop the pain "Nothing" I had these cycles 4-7 times a day with the nerves firing off and it dropped me to my knees you would never know when it would happen.. Thank the lord I have not had any. I will share a few pics of what this virus can do to you. The virus is in all of us on either the left or right side of your spine and affects one side of the body. Now trying to decide do I get the shot or not.
I had it almost two years ago at age 48. My father had just passed, and I think the stress brought it on. Like you, had it wrap around the top of my head and down toward where the spine starts. Worst pain of my life. Your body will heal bro, just give it time.
You get this shot in 2 doses 3 months apart and I got this shot last year. Be warned it will make you feel like coming down with a bad cold and that lasts 2 days.

Shingles itself is NO joke and I have some relatives that had it and each episode was crippling to them (I myself thankful didn't have any episodes), so I recommend getting this one once you turn 50. If you had prior bouts it's a good idea to check with the doctor if you can get the shot.
I feel you guys. On my 50th bday I woke up feeling like I punched in the ribs pretty good. Pain got worse and worse and then the blisters. Still have my scars also. They prescribed gabapentin and it did nothing. I also ended up get the injections. You guys are right, it’s no joke
I cried and screamed the top of my lungs the pain was so excruciating. I was terrified when another nerve fire would start again. I think I am going to get the shot. I am pretty sure it was caused by stress as well. I could not go anywhere for fear of the nerves firing off and it did happen several times I tried to suck it up but it killed me. After the event is what I called them I had felt like I went 15 rounds complete exhaustion. My poor son would hold me I felt so bad just no control.
Now trying to decide do I get the shot or not.
I'm sorry to hear about everything you went through. Doing some looking it appears it's recommended to get the vaccine even if you've had shingles before. What is your hesitancy at this point?
I cried and screamed the top of my lungs the pain was so excruciating. I was terrified when another nerve fire would start again. I think I am going to get the shot. I am pretty sure it was caused by stress as well. I could not go anywhere for fear of the nerves firing off and it did happen several times I tried to suck it up but it killed me. After the event is what I called them I had felt like I went 15 rounds complete exhaustion. My poor son would hold me I felt so bad just no control.

Get the shot brother. I am by no means "pro vaccination", but on this one, after what I experienced, I definitely don't want to endure that again.
I feel you guys. On my 50th bday I woke up feeling like I punched in the ribs pretty good. Pain got worse and worse and then the blisters. Still have my scars also. They prescribed gabapentin and it did nothing. I also ended up get the injections. You guys are right, it’s no joke
The gabapentin fucked me up. Made me feel crazy and depressed.
Hey guys what are the thoughts on the shingles shot? I had it back in march took almost 3 months to heal. It was the worst experience of my entire life. It left scars on my forehead and I still cannot feel the left side of my head around my eye and forehead top of my head. Even deformed my eyelid.

No medication will stop the pain "Nothing" I had these cycles 4-7 times a day with the nerves firing off and it dropped me to my knees you would never know when it would happen.. Thank the lord I have not had any. I will share a few pics of what this virus can do to you. The virus is in all of us on either the left or right side of your spine and affects one side of the body. Now trying to decide do I get the shot or not.
I'm early 40s and will get the shot whenever I can. I had shingles on my face as well and it was the worst experience of my life as well. I would do anything to not have this happen again.
I got shingles over 10 years ago. On my thigh. Really didn't bother me much at all. I received a message from my provider that i was due for the shot. I am planning on getting it just haven't got around to it yet.
My wife had it (small spots on her back we caught quick enough)...I would suggest anyone 50 up get the shot!

Like these guys said above...It's no fucking joke!
I got the shingles vaccine a few years ago. My primary care doc told me the same virus that causes chicken pox, causes shingles. He said since I had chicken pox as a kid, I carry the virus but it stays dormant. Here's a bonus to getting the shingles vax....the same virus that causes shingles also causes herpes. My doc said that since the pharma companies only did testing on humans for shingles and not herpes, they don't market it as a herpes preventative vaccine. But he said for all intents and purposes, it prevents both shingles AND herpes.
Like most of us, I had chickenpox as a kid, and then I had shingles about nine years ago. I don’t know how bad the symptoms and reactions from having the vaccination might be, but there’s no way that it can be worse than what I experienced with shingles.

I turned into a Post-deathbed/ prison-conversion “you better get right with Jesus” evangelist when it comes to that vaccination after my experience. I BEGGED anyone that I knew that had chickenpox as a kid to please get the vaccination! My wife got it while we were dating, and had no adverse events whatsoever, so your mileage may vary.

If I had known anything about it and had it to do over, I would’ve gotten that vaccination in a heartbeat!
The gabapentin fucked me up. Made me feel crazy and depressed.
I took gaba after a disc in my back tore, I could not make it past 2-3 weeks with that shit, I was only on 150 a day and it was like being in a fog all day, then went to 225, after a day felt like railroad spike being driven thru the side of me head, couple of hours later started throwing up, went back to 150, after a couple more days I just said fuck this shit and dropped it all together, as far as shingles vax have not gotten but damn you guys making me want to, lol.
I had the first shot of the vaccine a few weeks ago. No sides what to speak of.
As a side note my Dr gave me a script for Valacyclovir just incase i get it again. I have had it on hand since i got shingles.

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