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Featured Member / Kilo Klub
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Kilo Klub Member
Nov 29, 2002
Do any of the carbs need to be complex in my drink taken right after slin shot? I've been using celltec b/c there are 75g per serving. I also drink a ripped force which has 22g of carbs(97g total).
The only carbs you need 10 minutes after a slim shot are simple carbs with a protein shake. 100 gr. of maltodextrin are easy to diggest and raise up quickly your glucogen levels in your blood.

40 minutes after the maltodextrin drink you have to eat a high glucogen meal (100 gr. of carbs) , coming from simple carbs like bannanas, sweet potato, raisins, whith any protein like meat or chicken, etc..

Be carefull, have always with you gluco tabs, and never take it if you dont have at least 3 big meals with you.

and remember........
The world is to little for the littles !!!!!!!!!!

I might get some haterade, but I like cell tech, taste good, I know it has 75grams of dextrose, alittle ala, and 10 grams of creatine, so stick with it, another option is supplementdirects pure dextrose powder, but cell tech is fine.
Big H, I think you have your carbs backwards. You should take in simple carbs such as fructose or Dextrose immediately after your slin and then take a complex carb such as maltodextrine 45 mins after that. If you take the maltodextrine first you run the risk of not having enough glucose in your blood when the slin hits.

Macdaddy said:
Big H, I think you have your carbs backwards. You should take in simple carbs such as fructose or Dextrose immediately after your slin and then take a complex carb such as maltodextrine 45 mins after that. If you take the maltodextrine first you run the risk of not having enough glucose in your blood when the slin hits.


Isn't maltodextrose the simplist sugar there is?

It is made up of a mixture of glucose, maltose etc
No, maltodextrine is a very complex carb and is low on the glycemic index. Dextrose or Fructose are simple carbs and are high on the glycemic index. You want high GI carbs right after your shot and then lower GI carbs after to maintain a constant blood sugar level.


Just so everyone knows maltodextrose is VERY HIGH GLYCEMIC. It is a complex carbo but this has nothing to do with the GI..... white rice is complex right???? well its a high GI!

Malto is faster acting than dextrose! So actually big H was correct with malto withing 10 min, then 40 min later with Sweet potato's b/c its a Low Gi for more sustained engery.

Maltodextrose throws people off b/c its a complex carb. Good luck!
Re: !!

Mojo Rising said:
Just so everyone knows maltodextrose is VERY HIGH GLYCEMIC. It is a complex carbo but this has nothing to do with the GI..... white rice is complex right???? well its a high GI!

Malto is faster acting than dextrose! So actually big H was correct with malto withing 10 min, then 40 min later with Sweet potato's b/c its a Low Gi for more sustained engery.

Maltodextrose throws people off b/c its a complex carb. Good luck!

I was going to post this then I figured I would let someone else do so they can answer all the questions that will follow. :)

GI is not the same as complex or simple. Messes people up all the time.

And YES Maltodextrose is suppose to be the simplest sugar.

**broken link removed**

Well actually I should state it is the simplest sugar on EARTH. :)

There are simpler sugars in the clouds called Glycolaldehyde.
Last edited:
I stand corrected!! And thank you for pointing that out. I was mixing up the GI with the complexity of the carbs.

So let me try and figure this out then....why would bulk up shakes use maltodextrine if it is high on the GI?? Would you not want a longer more sustained Insulin reaction when taking shakes throughout the day?

ever look at the ingredients of cell tech and wonder if it wasn't made specifically for insulin use... i have always thought that.
I was allways told that taking in suger right after your slin shot will just make you fat. I stick with protien mixed with a carborush and keep a 20oz OJ on hand just incase. then I eat more protien,carbs and some flax oil
Where to start? Ok

So let me try and figure this out then....why would bulk up shakes use maltodextrine if it is high on the GI?? Would you not want a longer more sustained Insulin reaction when taking shakes throughout the day?

Good question... Fisst off i will talk about ISS gainer matrix as I sometimes use this.... if you look at the makeup it has like 60 carbs and like 5 are sugar. Now to the public that looks great, high protein , high complex carbs... but most people wont think look at the make up and see the maltodextrose put in... so its a very high GI, probably gives it the good taste. Overall malto helps to sell products i would think.

I was allways told that taking in suger right after your slin shot will just make you fat. I stick with protien mixed with a carborush and keep a 20oz OJ on hand just incase. then I eat more protien,carbs and some flax oil

Im so confused by this statement. Sugar wont make you fat with a a slin shot, fat makes you fat basically.... after a slin shot everything you eat is slammed into your cells... so if fat is present you get fat slammed into the cells along with sugar and proteins etc and you get fat. Thats why you want a protein isolate... no fat... with a HIGH GI sugar! Your carbo rush and OJ are SUGARS! Carbo rush has alot of maltodextrose in it... hence the complex carbs.I would cut out the flax oil until around 6 hours after your shot of humalin r(assuming what you use). Hope this helps
PUMPED said:
I was allways told that taking in suger right after your slin shot will just make you fat. I stick with protien mixed with a carborush and keep a 20oz OJ on hand just incase. then I eat more protien,carbs and some flax oil

I use ALOT of Ultra Fuel and immediately after the shot and then again an hour later. I do 125 grams each time plus 75 grams of protein.

Even this much does NOT make me gain fat. I have a pretty quick metabolism though. It seems to me from posts I have read, if you have fast metabolism you more suceptable to going hypo. Of course this is unscientific just a guess.

BE CAREFULL !!!!!!!!

Rice or any food is low to diggest and after a shot of insulin you have to take a easy diggest and high gicemic simple sugar like maltodextrin or dextrose if you dont want to have any dangerous problems.
Some guys are very confused here take care please, this is a dangerous game !!!!!!!!!!!!!

And remember.......
.........There is no space for the littles!!!!!!!!!
but you have to be alive !!!!!!!!
Big Heinz you use Ultra Fuel after slin shot correct?
i drink like 100 grams high gi carbs(dextrose) , with 1 litre milk and 1 litr milk which has quite low gi carbs , with like 130 grams or so of protein after my slin shot . is working well for me ...
raybravo said:
i drink like 100 grams high gi carbs(dextrose) , with 1 litre milk and 1 litr milk which has quite low gi carbs , with like 130 grams or so of protein after my slin shot . is working well for me ...

Any particular reason for the milk besides the carbs> I thought milk protein was slow acting. I do just the Ultra Fuel and Whey protein to get it absorbed as fast as possible.
oh lol , i like all my shakes in milk :) . besides , 50 grams slow release carbs , wont hurt :) . and cmon man, who wudnt like cold awesome milk :)

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