I'll start with saying that I've been with this girl for almost 2 years now and we have broke up 4 times now and everytime she comes crawling back to me, this last time she broke up with me for no reason, she just said she was confused and wasnt thinking straight and was an idiot. So I went on my merry way and met a girl and we started hanging out and talking every now and then, she doesn't have much time because she goes to school, has a full time job working sometimes 12 hour days and gets off late at night and has a 2.5 year old boy on top of all that and shes 20 years old, me ex is 26 and has 2 kids. 3 weeks after me and this girl start talking and hanging out occasionally my ex comes wanting to get back together once again saying that she loves me and wants to be with me and can't see herself being with someone else and that gets me sidetracked and I don't know what to do. After all of this breaking up and getting back together I don't know if I should continue on with the new girl or go for round 5 with the ex?