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Sunlight/Tanning = Fat Loss!?!


Apr 11, 2010
So, in researching MTII, I started uncovering lots of info. on sunlight/tanning & fat loss, like this article - http://www.musculardevelopment.com/articles/fat-loss/1813-sun-exposure-and-fat-loss.pdf.

After some reading, I decided to give the tanning beds at my gym a try, since I'm practically NEVER outside, (and never get any natural sunlight). There was an immediate improvement in my mood/energy level (almost like a happy-stimulant kinda high, lol); and also a modest decrease in appetite. All very good…

…but even more amazing and totally unexpected: today when I woke up and looked in the mirror I was like, "Holy Shit, my jaw-line is really coming back!" Seriously, it almost looked like I'd had liposuction (not that I had a lot of fat there to begin with)… but two years ago, a few months after starting my job where I NEVER see sunlight, I noticed that I also started storing fat like crazy (mostly in my ab area and also my jawline); that's also around the same time my crazy hunger started.

I thought maybe it was part of the "aging" process and/or due to inactivity (since I'd had a few accidents and 7 surgeries in < 20 months!)… but I couldn't dismiss the fact that ALL 15+ of the other employees that were hired after me, that also never see sunlight, ALL gained fat since starting at my company, (and very noticeably in the jawline area).

So now I'm really curious if anyone else has experienced this kind of thing - either fat loss/decreased appetite after increased sun exposure/tanning; or fat gain/increased hunger after decreased sun exposure/tanning.
maybe it sucked some subq water out of you?
So, in researching MTII, I started uncovering lots of info. on sunlight/tanning & fat loss, like this article - http://www.musculardevelopment.com/articles/fat-loss/1813-sun-exposure-and-fat-loss.pdf.

After some reading, I decided to give the tanning beds at my gym a try, since I'm practically NEVER outside, (and never get any natural sunlight). There was an immediate improvement in my mood/energy level (almost like a happy-stimulant kinda high, lol); and also a modest decrease in appetite. All very good…

…but even more amazing and totally unexpected: today when I woke up and looked in the mirror I was like, "Holy Shit, my jaw-line is really coming back!" Seriously, it almost looked like I'd had liposuction (not that I had a lot of fat there to begin with)… but two years ago, a few months after starting my job where I NEVER see sunlight, I noticed that I also started storing fat like crazy (mostly in my ab area and also my jawline); that's also around the same time my crazy hunger started.

I thought maybe it was part of the "aging" process and/or due to inactivity (since I'd had a few accidents and 7 surgeries in < 20 months!)… but I couldn't dismiss the fact that ALL 15+ of the other employees that were hired after me, that also never see sunlight, ALL gained fat since starting at my company, (and very noticeably in the jawline area).

So now I'm really curious if anyone else has experienced this kind of thing - either fat loss/decreased appetite after increased sun exposure/tanning; or fat gain/increased hunger after decreased sun exposure/tanning.

When you are tanned you look leaner, thats a fact, but it doesn't mean you lost weight. Thats why BB's get very dark before the get on stage. If you are having issues with appetite suppression(like you mentioned on the M2 thread), I would go with something like fentermine. I think you are reaching a bit for the sun thing.
Vitamin D is a helluva drug (vitamin/hormone w/e)...

Exactly. Its a natural response. The body adapts to the winter months (less sun light/vit d) by storing extra fat to help keep warm. In the summer (more sun light/vit d) = less fat. Your body thought it was winter time.
Exactly. Its a natural response. The body adapts to the winter months (less sun light/vit d) by storing extra fat to help keep warm. In the summer (more sun light/vit d) = less fat. Your body thought it was winter time.

If that was true, I wouldn't see the fat people by the pool with super tans.
If that was true, I wouldn't see the fat people by the pool with super tans.

That isn't true at all. To test that theory you would have to keep all other things constant eg calories consumed. I don't think his comment meant that one would have free range to consume all the calories they want just because they are getting more sunlight.
could be deficient in vitamin d assimilation. also tan gives illusion of more defined and of course sub q water loss. Dont tan fat chicks look better than ghost white ones? hides the cellulite.
When you are tanned you look leaner, thats a fact, but it doesn't mean you lost weight. Thats why BB's get very dark before the get on stage. If you are having issues with appetite suppression(like you mentioned on the M2 thread), I would go with something like fentermine. I think you are reaching a bit for the sun thing.

EC, do you have any experience with Accomplia (Rimonibant)?
I agree.

I think its one of those things if your naturally a lean person, and already have lower bodyfat, you notice the fat loss more. At least it works that way for me
even black people tan before bodybuilding contests in my country because they say it burns off the last bit of fat on their body...
EC, do you have any experience with Accomplia (Rimonibant)?

I have read about it but never used it. It looks interesting though. It supposdedly blocks the so-called endocannabinoid system in the central nervous system which reduces hunger.
I have a hunch that would be a miserable drug to take.Better off developing that old thing you never hear about anymore called self control. But be my guest with the cannabinoid blocker.
I have a hunch that would be a miserable drug to take.Better off developing that old thing you never hear about anymore called self control. But be my guest with the cannabinoid blocker.

Yeah not for me.One of the sides can be depression. Not for em. The only thing I take when I diet is low dose DNP, and thats during the winter.
I think there is definately something to this theory.I can't prove it with a reviewed journal,but have felt personally my body makes some type of adjustment with more sun.
**broken link removed**
I think there is definately something to this theory.I can't prove it with a reviewed journal,but have felt personally my body makes some type of adjustment with more sun.
As for tanning, many articles in the literature note a high, like this one that investigated the effect directly - Radiation: Tanning Trippers Get UV High

The Vitamin D connection that many have mentioned is also very interesting... I've taken mega doses of Vit D, (up to 20,000 IUs/day) and even had a prescription at one time for some kind of sustained-release 50,000 IU soft-gel); never noticed any differences, though. This past Fall I was deficient in Vit. D, according to blood work, (despite taking 4,000 IU/day of a [supposedly] high quality preparation). Apparently, I wasn't assimilating it. Switched to a much cheaper forumla and blood levels were mid-normal by Spring.

As for tanning, there is no question about the increase in energy... yesterday I was up for almost 40 hrs. straight (9 AM Sun to 10 PM Mon), yet carried on better than I normally do after a full night's sleep. And it wasn't from being over-tired, either; unfortunately, from much experience with not being able to sleep, I'm always practically collapsing/near hallucinating from exhausted by hour 30. :D
I have read about it but never used it. It looks interesting though. It supposdedly blocks the so-called endocannabinoid system in the central nervous system which reduces hunger.

I've actually read up on it quite a bit a few years back and tried it twice (from two different sources). The first time it was very effective for like the first 3-4 weeks, but then my body apparently adjusted because it was practically useless. If I remember correctly, the literature also reports the problem of decreased effectiveness, in a fair % of people, after just a few weeks.

As for sides, I experienced none. My mood was actually much improved, (but that's not really saying much cuz I'm always in a good mood when I'm fortunate enough to have my calories in check!!!).
for what its worth i tan (fake bake) once a week for 15 min in a high intensity bed. Issue i have with megadosing with vit D is that it is fat soluble along with vit a d e and K and can be stored in adipose tissue and quickly build up to toxic levels. ya dont just piss em out!

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